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3M National Teaching Fellowship Mentoring Network

There is now a nomination dossier mentoring service available, free-of-charge.

The 3M mentoring network is a group of volunteer mentors from institutions across Canada. All are 3M fellows who have served on their institutional adjudication committees, 3M National Teaching Fellowship or National Student Fellowship adjudication committees, or in other formal and informal mentoring capacities. Our goal is to provide extra support for nominators and nominees who are building their dossiers, particularly since the 3M nomination dossier might be unfamiliar in tone and structure relative to traditional grant or award applications.

We can tailor our services to the needs of the mentees:

  • advice and feedback on the dossier as a whole;
  • help with teaching and educational leadership philosophies;
  • general cheerleading and moral support;
  • sample dossiers;
  • on-campus visits (if a mentor is in the area), phone or Skype consultations.

For more information, or to volunteer to be a mentor, contact the 3M NTF Mentoring Network Project Leader, Lisa Dickson

2019 3M National Student Fellows


3M National Teaching Fellowships - 2019 Info Session Slides

3M National Teaching Fellowships - 2019 Nominations Info Pack