Dr. Tara Joly, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Dr. Rahul Jain, School of Social Work, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Dr. Heather Bryan, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Faculty of Environment
Dr. Natalie Linklater, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Ms. Gretchen Vogelsang, School of Education, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Dr. Blanca Schorcht, Department of English, Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities
Dr. Steve Helle, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Dr. Tara Joly, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Dr. Rahul Jain, School of Social Work, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Dr. Heather Bryan, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Faculty of Environment
Dr. Natalie Linklater, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Dr. Roy Rea, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Ken Otter, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Catharine Schiller, School of Nursing, CASHS
Dr. Theresa Healy, School of Environmental Planning & Gender Studies, CSAM
Dr. Tara Joly, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Dr. Rahul Jain, School of Social Work, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Dr. Heather Bryan, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Faculty of Environment
Dr. Natalie Linklater, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Dr. Jacqueline Holler, History/Women's Studies Program, CASHS
Dr. Loraine Lavallee, Department of Psychology, CASHS
Dr. Chelsea Pelletier, Health Sciences Program, CASHS
Dr. Farid Rahemtulla, Anthropology Program, CASHS
Dr. Tara Joly, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Dr. Rahul Jain, School of Social Work, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Dr. Heather Bryan, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Faculty of Environment
Dr. Natalie Linklater, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
楚餃s餃勳 / Dr. Judith Thompson, First Nations Studies Program, CASHS
Mr. Mike Cuthbertson, School of Business, CSAM
Dr. Tara Joly, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Dr. Rahul Jain, School of Social Work, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Dr. Heather Bryan, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Faculty of Environment
Dr. Natalie Linklater, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
楚餃s餃勳 / Dr. Judith Thompson, First Nations Studies Program, CASHS
Mr. Mike Cuthbertson, School of Business, CSAM
Mr. Brian Duffels, Department of Psychology, CASHS
Dr. Steve Helle, Environmental Engineering, CSAM
Dr. Joanna Pierce, School of Social Work, CASHS
Dr. Pamela Wright, Ecosystems Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Bruce Bidgood, School of Social Work, CASHS
Dr. Ang癡le Smith, Anthropology Program, CASHS
Dr. Mark Shrimpton, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Kristen Guest, English Program, CASHS
Dr. Paul Madak, Psychology Program, CASHS
Dr. Keith Egger, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Rick Colbourne, School of Business, CSAM
Dr. Tara Joly, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Dr. Rahul Jain, School of Social Work, Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Dr. Heather Bryan, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Faculty of Environment
Dr. Natalie Linklater, School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
楚餃s餃勳 / Dr. Judith Thompson, First Nations Studies Program, CASHS
Mr. Mike Cuthbertson, School of Business, CSAM
Mr. Brian Duffels, Department of Psychology, CASHS
Dr. Steve Helle, Environmental Engineering, CSAM
Dr. Joanna Pierce, School of Social Work, CASHS
Dr. Pamela Wright, Ecosystems Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. David Connell, Environmental Planning, CSAM
Dr. Dana Wessell Lightfoot, Department of History, CASHS
Dr. Ami Hagiwara, International Studies Program, CASHS
Dr. Luke Harris, Health Sciences Program, CASHS
Dr. John Sherry, School of Education Program, CASHS
Dr. Tracy Summerville, Department of Political Science, CASHS
Dr. Andrea Gorrell, Biochemistry Program, CSAM
Dr. Sean Maurice, Northern Medical Program, CSAM
Dr. Jason Lacharite, Department of Political Science, CASHS
Dr. Loraine Lavallee, Department of Psychology, CASHS
Dr. Alex Aravind, Department of Computer Science, CSAM
Dr. Scott Green, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Ted Binnema, Department of History, CASHS
Dr. Jason Morris, Political Science Program, CASHS
Dr. Katherine Parker, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Guy Plourde, Chemistry Program, CSAM
Dr. Heather Smith, International Studies Program, CASHS
Ms. Amy Klepetar, School of Nursing, CASHS
Dr. Umesh Parshotam, Chemistry Program, CSAM
Dr. Matt Reid, Physics Program, CSAM
Dr. Sherry Beaumont, Psychology Program, CASHS
Dr. Andrew Kitchenham, School of Education Program, CASHS
Dr. Cecilia Alstrom-Rapaport, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Michael Gillingham, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, CSAM
Dr. Jos矇e Lavoie, Health Sciences Program, CASHS
Dr. Paul Siakaluk, Psychology Program, CASHS
Dr. Patrick Maher, Outdoor Recreation Tourism Management Program, CSAM
Dr. James Windsor, Geography Program, CSAM
Dr. Lisa Dickson, English Program, CASHS
Dr. Antonia Mills, First Nations Studies Program, CASHS
Dr. Ian Hartley, Foresty Program, CSAM
Dr. William Owen, Psychology Program, CASHS
Dr. Kristen Guest, English Program, CASHS
Dr. David Dick, Chemistry Program, CSAM
Mr. Myron Gordon, Commerce Program, CSAM
Dr. Ken Wilkening, International Studies Program, CASHS
Dr. Jacqueline Holler, History/Women's Studies Program, CASHS
Dr. Alex Hawley, Biology Program, CSAM
Dr. Patrick Montgomery, Mathematics Program, CSAM
Dr. Kevin Hutchings, English Program, CASHS
Dr. Bill Morrison, History Program, CASHS
Dr. Russell Dawson, Biology Program, CSAM
Dr. Valerio Faraoni, Physics Program, CSAM
Dr. Heather Smith, International Studies Program, CASHS
Dr. Ang癡le Smith, Anthropology Program, CASHS
Dr. Jennifer Hyndman, Mathematics Program, CSAM
Dr. Lee Keener, Mathematics Program, CSAM
Dr. Mark Franke, International Studies Program, CASHS
Dr. Michael Gillingham, Biology Program, CSAM
Dr. John Young, Political Science Program, CASHS
Dr. Kathy Lewis, Forestry Program, CSAM
Dr. Tracy Summerville, Political Science Program, CASHS
Dr. Mark Shegelski, Physics Program, CSAM
Dr. Greg Poelzer, Political Science Program, CASHS
Dr. Hugues Massicotte, Forestry Program, CSAM
Dr. Bruno Zumbo, Psychology Program, CASHS
Dr. Katherine Parker, Forestry Program, CSAM