Study Skills Handouts
Time management
- Semester schedule
- Task planning
- Weekly schedule
- Time management tips
- Digital dependency
- Yearly semester schedule template
- Fall semester schedule 2022 template
- Weekly schedule template
Critical thinking
Seminar classes
End of semester
Studying strategies
- Study Styles
- Concentration Tips
- Concentration self-assessment
- Learning plan
- Memory strategies
- Study groups: Strategies for success
- Study skills: Top 10 tips
- Working in groups: Strategies for success
- University from home: Distance or online strategies
Exam tips
- Exam study tips
- Exam writing tips
- Essay exam questions
- Multiple Choice Exams
- Exam post-mortem and error analysis
- Guided post-exam self-evaluation
Note-taking and textbook reading
- Cornell method of note-taking
- PRR: How to read a textbook more efficiently
- SQ4R: Getting the most out of reading your textbook
- Writing shorthand