Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics tutors provide FREE tutoring to students in a variety of mathematical topics with a focus on first-year courses. Tutors conduct one-to-one or small group sessions where they help students to understand concepts, identify mistakes they are making, and suggest problem-solving approaches. Tutors are provided with ongoing training and are certified by the International Certification Program of the CRLA.
Academic Success Centre tutors are ÂÜÀòÉäÇø students who:
- have excellent Math, Stats, or Physics skills
- are recommended by their professors
- complete a rigorous hiring process
- display good people skills
- demonstrate an interest in teaching and learning
Click here to learn more about how to access tutoring

- have excellent Math, Stats, or Physics skills
- are recommended by their professors
- complete a rigorous hiring process
- display good people skills
- demonstrate an interest in teaching and learning