Transcript Requests

Important Notes: 

  • Payment must be made prior to the request being processed. To learn more about payment options, please review the 蹤獲扞⑹ Finance website.
  • Transcripts will not be processed if you have any outstanding financial obligations to the University.
  • 蹤獲扞⑹ will only email your official Transcripts to your 蹤獲扞⑹ email or other accredited educational institutions and regulatory bodies.

Two Ordering Options

  1. Current 蹤獲扞⑹ Student/蹤獲扞⑹ Student Account Access: If you are a current 蹤獲扞⑹ student or have access to your 蹤獲扞⑹ student account, please follow the instructions on how to order transcripts online found below.
    1. Once you have submitted your request, please to advise that you would like the PDF sent to your 蹤獲扞⑹ email or to the institution and provide the email address.
  2. No Longer have access to a 蹤獲扞⑹ Student Account.
    1. Complete the : Please complete this form carefully.
    2. Transcript Processing: After we receive both your completed form and confirmed payment, our team will assess your request and process your transcript.

Delivery Options:

  • Designate pick up at Reg Office
    If you are designating someone to pick up the transcripts in person on your behalf, select this option. Please email with the name of the individual you wish to pick up your transcript. Identification for this individual is required. No additional fee applies.
  • Student Pick up at Reg Office
    For those students who wish to pick up their official transcript in person. Identification is required. No additional fee applies
  • Send to Post-Secondary Email
    To have a PDF transcript emailed to another Canadian post-secondary institution or approved regulatory body, submit your online request and email with the name of the institution/regulatory body and their email address. No additional fee applies.
  • Send to 蹤獲扞⑹ Email
    To have a PDF transcript emailed to yourself, select this option. No additional fee applies.
  • Canada Post - Regular Mail
    Select this option to have your transcripts mailed via Canada Post. Mailing charges are included in this fee.

How to Order Transcripts

Online through your My蹤獲扞⑹:

  1. Log into your my蹤獲扞⑹ Student Account. Select Request Official Transcript.
  2. On the first page (Transcript Request Address), please enter the name of the place or person that the transcript will be addressed to in the "Issue To:" field. Select Continue.
    1. Please note that you can only enter either the address or institution code. If both are entered, the system will not allow you to move to the next screen. 
  3. In the Select Transcript Type page, choose official transcript.  Enter the address information as requested.
  4. In the Transcript Options page, choose how many copies you would like, as well as the in-progress cut-off. Review the appropriate options. Please note that the same information provided will show on the transcript. If you need a transcript to go to more than one place, please complete separate requests.
  5. In the Transcript Options page, in the Delivery Method section, choose the appropriate option. Note the following delivery methods:
  6. Select Continue to proceed. Review the Transcript Request Summary and follow the steps listed to submit the transcript request fee.

How to Order Transcripts with No Access to your 蹤獲扞⑹ Account:

  1. Complete the : Please complete this form carefully.
  2. Transcript Processing: After we receive both your completed form and confirmed payment, our team will assess your request and process your transcript.

Unofficial (Web) Transcripts

These transcripts are unofficial and are intended for information purposes.

Unofficial transcripts may be viewed and printed through my蹤獲扞⑹ Student Account. To view your unofficial transcript, please log into your my蹤獲扞⑹ Student Account. Then, click on my蹤獲扞⑹ Student Account, Student Records, and Unofficial Transcript. You should be able to print one off from that page (just from your browser; there is no printer button) for your purposes.


  • The transcript fee must be paid in advance at the Cashier's Office. The Cashier's Office can be contacted by phone at (250) 960-5631 or by e-mail at
  • Transcript requests will be processed and available for pick-up within 2-5 business days.
  • Official transcripts will not be issued during grade processing periods at the end of each semester as credit earned, and the results of final grades determine GPA. Once the grade processing period is complete, transcripts will then be processed.
  • Transcripts will NOT be processed:
    • If the transcript fee has not been paid
    • If you have any outstanding financial obligations to the University
  • When transcripts are ready:
    • It may be picked up by the student with a valid ID.
    • A designated delegate may pick up another person's transcript with written authorization from the Registrar's Office and a valid ID. If a Transcript Request Form is submitted, their name must be the one listed as Designates Name, or if ordered online, an e-mail must be sent to from the students 蹤獲扞⑹ e-mail address.
    • At the students request, transcripts can be sent directly to a recipient via regular mail.

Additional Questions

Please contact the Registrars Office at (250) 960-6300 or by email at