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Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Agriculture
- Conservation
- Environment
- Farming
- Natural Resources
- Soil Science
Areas of Expertise
Soil fertility, soil physics and chemistry, land remediation
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Cardiovascular
- Health
- Mental Health
- Neurophysiology
Areas of Expertise
Neuro-Cardiac Autonomic Functions, Electroencephalography, Auditory Event-related Potentials and Spirometry to evaluate pulmonary disease and monitor effects of therapies
Agboji, Aderonke
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Artificial Intelligence
- Community
- Health
- Health and Well-being
- Health Sciences
- Mental Health
- Rural Health Services
- Statistics
Areas of Expertise
Aging, gerontechnology,dementia care, long term care, family caregiving, mental health, quantitative research methods, mixed methods study
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Culture
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Health
- Urban Planning
Areas of Expertise
Human geography, social geography, neighbour formation, community racialization in Canadian cities.
Alagh, Dr. Aanchal
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Chemistry
- Engineering
- Environment
Areas of Expertise
Nanoscience, Nanomaterial synthesis using chemical or physical routes and their characterization using techniques like SEM, TEM, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, gas sensors, water treatment, coatings
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Climate Change
- Earth Science
- Engineering
- Environment
- Geography
- Natural Hazards
- Natural Resources
Areas of Expertise
Hydrology, Sediment Transport, Fluvial Geomorphology, Erosion Modelling, Climate Change
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Chemistry
- Environment
Areas of Expertise
Data science, physical chemistry, computational chemistry, molecular modelling, molecular dynamics simulations, high-performance computing.
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Economics
Areas of Expertise
Macroeconomics, development economics, economic growth, international economics, environmental economics
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Education
- Mental Health
- Psychology
- Youth
Areas of Expertise
Science-informed, trauma-informed, educational practices, effective instruction, diverse learners, K-12, classroom, school-wide, district systems, equity, inclusion, diversity, reading development, dyslexia.
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Biodiversity/Ecology
- Environment
- Wildlife
Areas of Expertise
Animal behaviour, bat biology, conservation biology, ecology, migration biology
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Climate Change
- Conservation
- Earth Science
- Education
- Environment
- Ethics
- Geography
- Health
- Health and Well-being
- Integrated Knowledge Translation
- International Studies
- Mental Health
- Northern Issues
- Sustainability
- Weather
- Youth
Areas of Expertise
education, curriculum, pedagogy, philosophy, epistemology, environmental education, physical education, health education, outdoor education, science education, place-based education
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Cardiovascular
- Health
- Health and Well-being
- Integrated Knowledge Translation
- Rural Health Services
Areas of Expertise
Cardiovascular and Chronic disease, Rural Health, Research Co-Production, Patient-Oriented Research.
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Biodiversity/Ecology
- Conservation
- Forestry
- Natural Resources
Areas of Expertise
forest biology; applied forest ecology, silviculture, forest management
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