Morgan Anderson

Anderson, Morgan

RPBio, MSc University of Guelph, BSc ÂÜÀòÉäÇø

Off Campus


Morgan Anderson completed her BSc in Biology and Natural Resource Management -Wildlife and Fisheries at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, and her MSc in Integrative Biology at the University of Guelph. She is the Omineca Region Senior Wildlife Biologist with the BC Ministry of Water, Land and Water Stewardship based in Prince George, BC. She works primarily with big game and furbearer species, developing and implementing research, monitoring, and management approaches collaboratively with First Nations and stakeholders. Prior to moving back to BC, she worked for the Nunavut Department of Environment as the High Arctic Regional Biologist and continues to maintain an interest in Arctic wildlife ecology and management. She is a Registered Professional Biologist with the College of Applied Biologists.

Research and Expertise

Morgan's research focuses on species interactions on a landscape scale with a focus on management outcomes. Projects typically involve multiple partners and benefit from diverse knowledge sources and perspectives. Several current projects address wolf and moose responses to landscape change, Stone's sheep and mountain goat population limiting factors, and improving monitoring approaches for several species in the Omineca Region.

Research Fields
  • Biodiversity/Ecology
  • Conservation
  • Wildlife
Languages Spoken
  • English

Selected Publications

Anderson, M., H. D. Cluff, L. D. Mech, and D. R. MacNulty. 2025. Wolf density and predation patterns in the Canadian High Arctic. Journal of Wildlife Management.

Mech, L. D., M. Anderson, and H. D. Cluff. 2025. The Ellesmere Wolves: Behavior and Ecology in the High Arctic. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

Frevol, S., M. Anderson, D. Cluff, D. Mech, M. Musiani, and D. MacNulty. 2023. Genetic diversity along the core-edge continuum in a species with a continental-scale range, Canis lupus. Ecosphere: e4536.

Boucher, N. P., M. Anderson, A. Ladle, C. Procter, S. Marshall, G. Kuzyk, B. M. Starzomski, J. T. Fisher. 2022. Cumulative effects of widespread landscape change alter predator-prey dynamics. Scientific Reports 12: 11692.

Brandell, E. E., P. C. Cross, M. E. Craft, D. W. Smith, E. J. Dubovi, M. L. J. Gilbertson, T. Wheeldon, J. A. Stephenson, S. Barber‑Meyer, B. L. Borg, M. Sorum, D. R. Stahler, A. Kelly, M. Anderson, H. D. Cluff, D. R. MacNulty, D. E. Watts, G. H. Roffler, H. Schwantje, M. Hebblewhite, K. Beckmen, H. Fenton, and P. J. Hudson. 2021. Patterns and processes of pathogen exposure in gray wolves across North America. Scientific Reports 11: 3722.

Cuyler, C., J. Rowell, J. Adamczewski, M. Anderson, J. Blake, T. Bretten, V. Brodeur, M. Campbell, S. L. Checkley, H. D. Cluff, S. D. Côté, T. Davison, M. Dumond, B. Ford, A. Gruzdev, A. Gunn, P. Jones, S. Kutz, L.-M. Leclerc, C. Mallory, F. Mavrot, J. B. Mosbacher, I. M. Okhlopkov, P. Reynolds, N. M. Schmidt, T. Sipko, M. Suitor, M. Tomaselli, and B. Ytrehus. 2020. Muskox status, recent variation, and uncertain future. Ambio 49: 805–819.

Newton, E. J., B. R. Patterson, M. L. Anderson, A. R. Rodgers, L. M. Vander Vennen, and J. M. Fryxell. 2017. Compensatory selection for roads over natural linear features by wolves in northern Ontario: Implications for caribou conservation. PLoS ONE 12:e0186525.

Kafle, P., L.-M. Leclerc, M. Anderson, T. Davison, M. Lejeune, and S. Kutz. 2017. Morphological keys to advance the understanding of protostrongylid biodiversity in caribou (Rangifer spp.) at high latitudes. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 6:331-339.

Klütsch, C. F. C., M. Manseau, M. Anderson, P. Sinkins, and P. J. Wilson. 2017. Evolutionary reconstruction supports the presence of a Pleistocene Arctic refugium for a large mammal species. Journal of Biogeography 44:2729-2739.

Anderson, M. 2017. Trends in High Arctic muskox (Ovibos moschatus) harvest, 1990-2015. Rangifer 37:47-58.

Anderson, M. and M. C. S. Kingsley. 2017. Distribution and abundance of Peary caribou (Ranifer tarandus pearyi) and muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) on southern Ellesmere Island, March 2015. Rangifer 37:97-114.

Kittle, A. M., M. Anderson, T. Avgar, J. A. Baker, G. S. Brown, J. Hagens, E. Iwachewski, S. Moffatt, A. Mosser, B. R. Patterson, D. E. B. Reid, A. R. Rogers, J. Shuter, G. M. Street, I.D. Thompson, L. Vander Vennen, and J. M. Fryxell. 2017. Prey distribution, prey resource distribution and predator mobility link to landscape level predator space use patterns. Ecosphere 8:1-17.

LaRue, M., S. Stapleton, and M. Anderson. 2016. Feasibility of using high-resolution satellite imagery to assess vertebrate wildlife populations. Conservation Biology 31:213-220.

Vander Vennen, L., B. Patterson, A. Rodgers, S. Moffatt, M. Anderson, and J. Fryxell. 2016. Diel movement patterns influence daily variation in wolf kill rates on moose. Functional Ecology 30:1568-1573.

Poole, K. G., A. Gunn. J. Wierzchowski, and M. Anderson. 2015. Peary caribou distribution within the Bathurst Island Complex relative to the boundary proposed for Qausuittuq National Park, Nunavut. Rangifer 35:81-98.

Kittle, A. M., B. R. Patterson, M. Anderson, S. Moffatt, I.D. Thompson, A. R. Rogers, J. Shuter, D. Reid, J. A. Baker, G. S. Brown, G. M. Street, T. Avgar, L. Vander Vennen, A. Mosser, and J. M. Fryxell. 2015. Wolves adapt territory size, not pack size to local habitat quality. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:1177-1186.

Street, G. M., L. M. Vander Vennen, T. Avgar, A. Mosser, M. L. Anderson, A. Rodgers, and J. M. Fryxell. 2015. Habitat selection by moose (Alces alces) following recent disturbance: model transferability with implications for management and conservation. Canadian Journal of Zoology 93:813-821.