Create or update a faculty profile

Please complete the form below to submit a request to create or update a faculty profile on the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø website.

Each faculty profile will have a unique URL. Profile information is displayed on faculty and staff listing web pages within each program section on the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø website (e.g. /nres-graduate-program/faculty).

Faculty profiles also populate the supervisor directory for prospective graduate students and the experts directory for media outlets searching for subject matter experts. You have the option to specify if you are available to supervise graduate students and if you are willing to be contacted by the media. Make sure to fill out the 'Research fields' and 'Areas of expertise' fields in the webform to be included in these directories.


Are you updating or creating a profile?: *
Do you need information removed from your profile?: - Optional
Please let us know what you would like to remove from your profile.

Please only fill out fields that need updating.

Are you submitting this form on behalf of someone else?: *
This email address will be used for all correspondence regarding your request.

Profile Details

Add 'Dr.' prefix?: - Optional
On leave or sabbatical?: - Optional
Institution details can be included here. For ex: PhD University of Victoria, MA University of British Columbia
Campus: - Optional
Social media:
Add social media: - Optional
Are you currently accepting graduate students? - Optional
By selecting "Yes", you will be added to the graduate supervisor directory. Prospective graduate students may contact you when searching for a supervisor.
List the degrees and majors here.
Include extra information for prospective graduate students.
Include a concise list of comma-separated keywords or terms. This list will be searchable within the supervisor and/or experts directory if you choose to be included.
Research fields
Don't see your research field in the list above? Let us know here so we can add it to the list. (Research Fields are high-level topics whereas Areas of Expertise are more granular)
In addition to your areas of expertise and research fields, you can include a paragraph describing your research interests.
Or a link to your Google Scholar profile.
File uploads
Experts directory
Media contact: - Optional
Often ÂÜÀòÉäÇø is approached by the media, Universities Canada, publications, and other organizations seeking experts in specific topic areas. Please specify if you are willing to act as a subject matter expert.