Graduate students at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø are supported by multiple departments on campus. Our office, embedded with in the Office of the Registrar, helps students with administrative tasks related to their student lifecycle (see the summary section below). This section of our website also outlines where graduate students can find supports located outside of our office.
Graduate Administration Office Role
Our office supports graduate students through administrative tasks related to their student lifecycle, including:
- ÂÜÀòÉäÇø (
- Progress reports
- Withdrawals
- Graduation planning and requirements (defences and completion paperwork)
- Program approval forms
- Leaves of absence
- Academic performance requirements
- Supervisory committee forms
- Time extensions
- Exchange Agreements (Western Deans and CUGTA)
Other Services
A number of other service units also support graduate students. This guide will help you understand where to direct your inquiry.
- Registration
- Payments
- Tuition
- Student ID Cards
- First Nations Centre
- Academic Concerns
- TA Positions
- Awards
- PhD Tuition Award
- Housing
- Wellness Centre
- International Students
- Graduate Student Office Space
- Graduate Student Lounge and Computer Lab Access
- Finance
- Access Resource Centre
Questions about the registration process:
The Office of the Registrar supports registration-related inquiries. You can send your questions to Please note that you will not receive confirmation that your registration has been processed. You can find your registration status in your student account. Visit the quick guide for registration for more information.
Academic concerns (e.g. questions about your program of study, course selection, courses etc.):
Contact your program directly. For students with supervisors, contact your supervisor first. If you don't have a supervisor, reach out to the Program Administrative Assistant/Chair. A list of contacts is available here. If you have a questions about a specific course you are taking, contact your instructor (such as how the course is being offered, what textbooks you require, how you access course material).
International student questions (help with study permits, letters to enter Canada etc):
Contact the International Office (
Payments and Student IDs:
Information about the Cashier’s Office, payments, UPass, Health/Dental opt-out, parking and more can be found on the Cashier's website.
Questions about teaching assistant positions:
Contact the program directly. Current TA postings are available on the Career Opportunities website. Graduate Teaching Assistants are members of .
Graduate Student Office Space:
Students can visit this website to obtain the required desk assignment agreement and key request form.
Students complete the forms, having their supervisor provide the authorizing name and signature on the key request form. Students email both completed forms to with subject line ‘Grad office space request-student name’
The Office of Research and Innovation will:
- Assign an office number and desk number (if no space is available you will be notified of your placement on the wait list), and,
- Forward the completed key request form (signed off by the Director, Research and Innovation) to Facilities for processing.
Please note Facilities will contact the student once the form has been processed. Contact with any questions.
Graduate Student Lounge and Computer Lab
The Northern BC Graduate Student Society (NBCGSS) oversees access to these spaces. For information on how to get access, visit their .
Tuition fees
The Cashier's Office is located across from Security near the main entrance. Please note that the front desk for the Registrar's Office does not process payments. For information related to payments, visit their website.
Please note that awards are not applied to student accounts until the first day of classes (including PhD Tuition waivers). Awards information can be found on the following pages:
PhD Tuition Award
Students who are admitted to the PhD program will automatically receive their PhD Tuition Award (applied to their account) when they first start. However, renewals will not be processed unless a current progress report is on file. Progress reports are due in the Spring semester for Spring and Fall admits, and in the Fall semester for Winter admits every year after starting the degree. PhD Tuition Awards are applied AFTER the first day of classes. If your waiver has not been applied, check first that you have recently submitted a progress report. If you have not, submit it asap and email to advise that your progress report has been submitted. If you have submitted a progress report and your waiver has not been applied, please wait until after the add/drop period to inquire.
Please note: you must be in good standing to receive the award. This means maintaining a minimum GPA, having all required forms on file, no fees owing and achieving candidacy in the required timeframe (within 2 years).
All questions should be directed to
Financial questions
Information about billing, collection and payment arrangements can be found here.
Student ID card
You order your student ID card online and pick it up at the Cashier's Office. Please note, you cannot pick up your student ID card from the front desk for the Registrar's Office.
Student Housing
You can contact Student Housing by email at or go to the Housing website for information.
Access Resource Centre
For information on accommodation and support, email or visit the Access Resource Centre website.