Student Supervisor Relationship

Some graduate students will have a supervisor (or two co-supervisors) that they work closely with on their capstone (thesis, dissertation, project or practicum). Graduate studies provides students with many benefits including critical skills training, enhanced life experiences, and enhanced career opportunities. Graduate students contribute significantly to research activities at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. The relationship between supervisors and students is key to the success of both the student and the research.

ÂÜÀòÉäÇø has an optional tool that students and supervisors can use to support this relationship. The Letter of Understanding is intended to provide guidance and clarity on expectations, roles and responsibilities, and to create an opportunity for shared understanding of individual expectations and challenges that may arise. It is recommended that supervisors and students review this document together, sign it to acknowledge it has been reviewed, and both should keep a copy. Periodic review and potentially revision of items under the optional write-in section is also recommended.

The document is to be regarded as an aid to planning and finishing the thesis, project, dissertation or practicum. It is not a legal document.

Click here to download the agreement template