This page provides information on the process for students who are finishing their degree requirements via completion of a comprehensive examination, portfolio, practicum, major paper, or project (referred to below as "capstone").
Note: the Notice of Intent to Complete Form is no longer required.
Completion of Capstone
You must have continuous prior registration and be registered in the semester in which you are attempting to complete your degree requirements.
You are required to ensure that all required forms have been submitted prior to applying for graduation and must submit an application to graduate in the semester in which you will complete.
Upon completion of your final capstone your supervisor will submit a Final Grade Form to grading for processing. It is your responsibility to ensure that all degree requirements have been met prior to completion of your final capstone and to apply to graduate by the deadline.
Library - ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Repository Submission
If your program requires you to submit a copy of your capstone document to the Library - ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Repository, you will need to ensure you follow the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Formatting Guidelines which can be found in the Defences section of our forms website.
Submit a final PDFA copy of your capstone document and the Distribution License by email to Graduate Administration at
Your capstone document will not be submitted to the Library for publishing until your title page and abstract meet repository requirement and your Distribution License is received by Graduate Administration.