Select Publications & Presentations
Nolin, C. and G. Russell, eds. (2021, 25 October) . Toronto, ON: Between the Lines Press.
Hanlon, Neil and C. Nolin (2021). . In COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Global Perspectives on Health Geography, Eds. Gavin Andrews, Jamie Pearce, Valorie Crooks and Janey Messina, pp. 47-54. Cham: Springer.
Nolin, C. (2018) Memory-truth-justice: The crisis of the living in the search for Guatemalas dead and disappeared. Chapter 2 in , Eds. Stephen Henighan and Candace Johnson,34-55. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

Nolin, C. (2018)Guatemala 2018: Social Justice Experiential Art Exhibit and Presentation. Presentation of the 2018 蹤獲扞⑹ Geography + Rights Action Field School / Delegation to Guatemala, Rotunda Gallery, 蹤獲扞⑹, Prince George, BC. Co-presented with: H. Brown, C. Connolly, R. Ferris, K. Gillelan, R. McKinley, C. McNabb, J. OMeara, L. Ruiter, R. OToole, A. Willmann, 20 September.
Nolin, C. and participants of the 蹤獲扞⑹ Geography + Rights Action Field School to Guatemala (2018) Guatemala 2018: Social Justice Experiential Art Exhibit, 蹤獲扞⑹ Rotunda Gallery, 20 September. / /
CBC Daybreak North, Interview: 蹤獲扞⑹ geography professor Catherine Nolin speaks to Carolina de Ryk ahead of her talk "Survival Migration in Our Times: Fleeing from Central America and Myanmar" [8 min.], 13 November 2018. Accessed at:
Nolin, C. (2017) Preface: To witness the rage & silence of genocide in R穩o Negro and Pacux. In , Nathan Einbinder, pp. v-vii. . New York: Springer. Access PDF & about book & Nolin chapter

Pickering, S. and C. Nolin (2017) Transnational connections: Could Canadas private sponsorship program provide a model for successful refugee resettlement? in "" Anthropology News, June 16. doi: 10.1111/AN.488 [Stacey Pickering is a current graduate student in the Interdisciplinary Studies graduate program at 蹤獲扞⑹] Access PDF
Nolin + Rights Action "Mining Impunity" Emergency Delegation to Guatemala, May 2016
o Nolin, Catherine and Grahame Russell (2016) Press Release: Urgent Need to End Impunity of Canadian & U.S. Mining Companies in Guatemala, May 13. Press Release
o Nolin, Catherine and Grahame Russell (2016) Alert #1 Goldcorp Incs Marlin Mine: A Familys Pain: Death of Jaime Otero P矇rez L籀pez, May 15. Alert #1
o Russell, Grahame and Catherine Nolin (2016) Alert #2 Diodora Hernandez and Goldcorp Inc. - A Stark Contrast, May 16. Alert #2
o Nolin, Catherine and Grahame Russell (2016) Alert #3 Guatemalan Supreme Court of Justice: KCA (& Radius Gold) vs. La Puya Land & Environmental Defenders, May 17. Alert #3
o Russell, Grahame and Catherine Nolin (2016) Alert #4 Mynor Padilla, Hudbay Minerals Former Head of Security, Is Provided With Police Security Detail For Safety!, May 19. Alert #4
o Nolin, Catherine and Grahame Russell (2016) Alert #5 Canadian & U.S. Authorities Should Investigate Mining Companies Participating in Corrupted Structures of Power Within Guatemalan State That Approve Mining Licenses, May 19. Alert #5
o Russell, Grahame and Catherine Nolin (2016) Alert #6 Tahoe Resources: Where Is Your Mining License?, May 23. Alert #6
Nolin, Catherine and Grahame Russell (2016) Final Report, September 8 Final Statement
Nolin, Catherine (2016). Vignette: Advocacy and Community-Based Research. In G. Halseth, S. Markey, L. Ryser, and D. Manson (eds). , 189-191. McGill-Queens University Press: Montreal, QC and Kingston, ON.
McSweeney, K, et al. [Nolin] (2015). . CIP Americas Program, 30 June.
Nolin, Catherine (2006). . Aldershot: Ashgate. Link to .
Henderson, E., C. Nolin, and F. Peccerelli (2014) . Journal of Latin American Geography, 13 (2): 97-116. DOI: 10.1353/lag.2014.0027
LaPlante, JP and C. Nolin (2014) Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, 27 (3) March: 231-248. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2013.861554
Einbinder, N. and C. Nolin (2012) No means no: Tsilhquotin vs. Taseko Mines Ltd. Alternatives Journal, 38 (6), November/December, 52-57. Accessible Online at:
Nolin, C. and J. Stephens (2010). . Journal of Rural and Community Development, 5 (2), 37-70.
Einbinder, N. and C. Nolin (2010). Voices from the Edge: A Mayan community shares stories of its struggle to avoid forced eviction by a nickel mine. Cultural Survival Quarterly, 34 (3) Fall, 28-33.
Nolin, C. (2010) Invited Presentation: . Nominated speaker for the Suzanne Mackenzie Memorial Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Regina, SK, 2 June. .
Radio Interview on CBC Radio's Daybreak North on researching human rights violations in Guatemala, March 2011. CBC DayBreak North interview
Prince George Citizen news feature on researching human rights violations in Guatemala, April 2011. Prince George Citizen: Saturday Report (2011)
For a full listing of publications, visit my Academia.edu site at:
Previous research: Northern BC Immigration Network