Catherine Nolin, PhD
Professor & Chair
BA (University of Calgary), MA, PhD (Queen's University at Kingston, 2000)
T: 250-960-5875
E: catherine.nolin@unbc.ca
W: /catherine-nolin
O: New Lab 8-148
Twitter: @cnolin and @unbc_gees
Instagram: @unbcgeography_ensc
Ph.D. Geography, (2000), Kingston, ON, Canada
Dissertation: Transnational Ruptures: Political Violence and Refugee and (Im)migrant Experiences in Guatemala and Canada. Co-supervisors: Drs. W. George Lovell and Audrey Kobayashi
M.A. Human Geography, (1995), Kingston, ON, Canada
Thesis: Flight, Exile, and Return: Place and Identity Among Guatemalan Maya Refugees
Supervisor: Dr. W. George Lovell