Petticrew, Dr. Ellen
PhD (McGill University, Biology, 1989), MSc (University of British Columbia, Physical Geography), BSc (Queen's University in Kingston, Physical Geography)
Dr. Petticrew's research interests involve fluxes to and in aquatic systems, at a variety of scales. Fluxes of sediment, nutrient and contaminants have been investigated in recent research including 1) the influence of forest harvesting on sediment yields to British Columbian lakes, 2) the transport and storage of fine sediments in highly productive fish bearing streams, 3) the role of organic matter in the morphology and settling characteristics of freshwater flocs and 4) restoration of a northern residential eutrophic lake.
Supervises in PhD NRES; MSc NRES Biology; MSc NRES Environmental Science; MSc NRES Geography; MNRES
Research and Expertise
The main focus of my research is the study of the processes and environmental significance of fine-grained sediment transfers in water. My research interests involve the movement and storage of fine sediment (< 63 microns) in aquatic systems. I am interested in both the morphology, composition and quality of the sediment and the environmental effects it has on the aquatic system. I work in both river and lake systems and have in the past done some work in marine environments.