Jackson, Dr. Peter
PhD, BSc (honours) (University of British Columbia), FCMOS
Dr. Jackson is a mesoscale meteorologist whose research mostly concerns the interaction between the atmosphere and complex terrain and how this affects wind, precipitation, climate, and air quality. He also investigates environmental applications including dispersion of biota and atmospheric pollutants as well as exposure to air pollutants in regions of complex terrain. In pursuing this theme, he and his research group use both in-situ (from surface-based monitoring stations) and remote sensing observations, as well as mesoscale numerical atmospheric models (WRF, Calpuff).
Research and Expertise
Mesoscale and synoptic meteorology, especially concerning wind, air quality, and other atmospheric processes in regions of complex terrain with environmental applications. Techniques include in-situ and remote observations (e.g. satellite, sodar and radar) as well as mesoscale atmospheric numerical simulation.
- Climate Change
- Earth Science
- Environment
- Glaciology
- Weather
- English
Selected Publications
Onwukwe, C., P.L. Jackson, S. ul Islam, S.J. Dery, B. Menounos, 2024: Climatic effects of the Williston Reservoir on Tsay Keh Dene Nation Territory of northern British Columbia, Canada. Climatic Change, accepted January 12. CLIM-D-22-00432
Mortezapour, M., B. Menounos, P.L. Jackson, A.R. Erler, 2022: Future Snow Changes over the Columbia Mountains, Canada using a Distributed Snow Model. Climatic Change, 172(6),
Nilson, B., P.L. Jackson, C. L. Schiller, M.T. Parsons, 2022: Development and Evaluation of Correction Models for a Low-Cost Fine Particulate Matter Monitor. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 3315-3328, .
Onwukwe, C., P.L. Jackson, S.J. Déry, 2022: Intercomparison of atmospheric forcing datasets and two PBL schemes for precipitation modelling over a coastal valley in northern British Columbia, Canada. Meteorological Applications.
Islam, SM N., P.L. Jackson, C. Sweeney, K. McKain, C. Frankenberg, I. Aben, R.J. Parker, H. Boesch, D. Wunch, 2021: Methane growth rate estimation and its causes in western Canada using satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 16(21). .
Onwukwe, C., P.L. Jackson, 2021: Gridded bias correction of modeled PM2.5 for exposure assessment, and estimation of background concentrations over a pristine valley region of northwestern British Columbia, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 71(2), 156-169.
Mortezapour, M., B. Menounos, P.L. Jackson, A.R. Erler, B.M. Pelto, 2020: The role of meteorological forcing and snow model complexity in winter glacier mass balance estimation, Columbia River basin, Canada. Hydrological Processes, 34(25), 5085-5103.
Onwukwe, C., P.L. Jackson, 2020: Acid wet-deposition modeling sensitivity to WRF-CMAQ planetary boundary layer schemes and exceedance of critical loads over a coastal mountain valley area of northwestern British Columbia, Canada. Atmospheric Pollutant Research, 12(1), 231-244,
Onwukwe, C., P.L. Jackson, 2020: Meteorological downscaling with WRF model version 4.0 and comparative evaluation of planetary boundary layer schemes over a complex coastal airshed. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 59, 8, 1295-1319.
Onwukwe, C., P.L. Jackson, 2020: Evaluation of CMAQ modelling sensitivity to planetary boundary layer parameterizations for gaseous and particulate pollutants over a fjord valley. Atmospheric Environment, 233, 117607,
Thompson, H.D., S.J. Dery, P.L. Jackson, B.E. Laval, 2020: A synoptic climatology of potential seiche-inducing winds in a large intermontane lake: Quesnel Lake, British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Climatology, 40(14), 5973-5986.
Islam, N., P.L. Jackson, S.K. Kharol, C.A. McLinden, 2020: Impact of Natural Gas Production on Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide over Northeast British Columbia, Canada. Atmos. Env., 223, 12pp,
Bakri, T., P.L. Jackson, 2019: Statistical and Synoptic Analyses of Offshore Wind Variations. International Journal of Climatology. 39, 3201-3217.
Mayr, G., D. Plavcan, L. Armi, A. Elvidge, B. Grisogono, K. Horvath, P. Jackson, A. Neururer, P. Seibert, J.W. Steenburgh, I. Stiperski, A. Sturman, Z. Vecenaj, J. Vergeiner, S.B. Vosper, G. Zängl, 2018: the community foehn classification experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 99(11). 2229-2235.