Hossain, Dr. Shahadat

Dr. Scient. (Doktor Scientiarum) in Computer Science (University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway)

Program Chair, Computer Science
Prince George


After receiving a BTech in Textiles from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, I availed an opportunity to study computational optimization in the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway under Professor Trond Steihaug. I was awarded a University of Bergen Fellowship (Universitetsstipendiat) for my doctoral studies during which (1996) I was a visiting graduate student of Cornell University CS department. I spent a part of my sabbatical leave (in 2006) visiting Professor Andreas Griewank at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. My academic ancestry can be traced back, starting at Forsythe Tree, all the way to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and beyond at The Mathematics Genealogy Project.

Research and Expertise

I am interested in numerical optimization (broadly interpreted) and its applications. Scientific problems that are large-scale and display exploitable special properties such as sparsity and structural information such as symmetry are particularly intriguing. I find graph theory to be an important tool for exploiting the combinatorial structure inherent in many sub-problems in nonlinear and linear optimization. My current research is concerned with:

  • The design of efficient algorithms for sparse matrix problems: efficient determination of Jacobian and Hessian matrices;
  • Linear algebra of sparse matrices with special properties;
  • High-performance computing;
  • Large-scale complex network analytics;
  • Classical-Quantum optimization algorithms and software.
Areas of Expertise
Optimization Algorithms and Software, High-performance Computing (HPC), Complex Social and Technological Networks, Quantum Computing, Big-data Analytics
Languages Spoken
  • Bengali
  • English

Selected Publications