Daoust, Dr. Gabrielle
PhD (University of Sussex, UK), MSW (University of Calgary)
I joined ÂÜÀòÉäÇø’s Department of Global and International Studies in 2022. My research broadly examines relationships between and responses to environmental and climate change, water, and insecurity; changing forms, spaces, politics, and experiences of humanitarian response; and the political economy of education in contexts of conflict and peacebuilding. Across these areas, I am interested in colonial, post-colonial, and gendered dynamics, as well as ‘everyday’ relations and experiences. My research focuses particularly on the Lake Chad region (between Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria) and the wider Sahel region, as well as Sudan and South Sudan. For the past 10 years, I have been involved in numerous policy- and practice-focused research projects with international organizations such as UNICEF and with government bodies in the UK, including as a Research Associate in the Global Risks and Resilience programme with ODI. I completed my PhD and postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of International Relations at the University of Sussex (UK).
Research and Expertise
- Climate Change
- Education
- Gender and Women's Studies
- International Studies
- Natural Resources
- Sustainability
Selected Publications
Jan Selby, Gabrielle Daoust, and Clemens Hoffmann (2022) Divided Environments: A Political Ecology of Water, Climate Change and (In)Security. Cambridge University Press.
Journal articles:
Gabrielle Daoust and Jan Selby (2024) Climate change and migration: A review and new framework for analysis. WIREs Climate Change, e886.
Gabrielle Daoust and Jan Selby (2023) Understanding the politics of climate security policy discourse: The case of the Lake Chad Basin. Geopolitics, 28(3), 1285-1322.
Gabrielle Daoust and Synne L. Dyvik (2022) Reconceptualizing vulnerability and safeguarding in the humanitarian and development sector. Social Politics, 9(1), 355-378.
Gabrielle Daoust and Synne L. Dyvik (2020) Knowing safeguarding: The geopolitics of knowledge production in the humanitarian and development sector. Geoforum, 112, 96-99.
Research reports
Nick Brooks, Sarah Opitz-Stapleton, Gabrielle Daoust, et al. (2022) Rethinking climate-security narratives: Integrating systemic disaster risk management in development. London: ODI.
Gabrielle Daoust, Yue Cao, Hussein M. Sulieman, et al. (2022) Changing climate, changing realities: Migration in the Sahel. London: British Red Cross and ODI.
Lars Otto Naess, Jan Selby, Gabrielle Daoust, and Jeremy Lind (2022) Climate resilience and social assistance in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.
Sean Higgins, Gabrielle Daoust, Birgul Kutan, and Mario Novelli (2022) Strengthening rapid education response in acute emergencies: Synthesis report. European Union, Global Education Cluster, UNICEF, et al.
Gabrielle Daoust and Sean Higgins (2022) Strengthening rapid education responses in acute emergencies: Central Sahel report – Burkina Faso and Niger. European Union, Global Education Cluster, UNICEF, et al.
Gabrielle Daoust and Sean Higgins (2022) Strengthening rapid education responses in acute emergencies: South Sudan country report. European Union, Global Education Cluster, UNICEF, et al.
Amy Doherty, Megan Pearce, Roger Calow, Gabrielle Daoust, et al. (2022) Climate risk report for the Central Africa region. London: Met Office, ODI, and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
Sarah Holmes, Nick Brooks, Gabrielle Daoust, et al. (2022) Climate risk report for the Sahel region. London: Met Office, ODI, and FCDO.
Jan Selby and Gabrielle Daoust (2021) Rapid evidence assessment on the impacts of climate change on migration patterns. London: FCDO.