
Internal Funding Opportunities

The following applications can be accessed online in Romeo:

As of January 1, 2018, the following applications must be submitted online in Romeo:

External Funding Opportunities

Request for Research Agreement Form

  • Request for Research Agreement Form
    • This form must be completed and uploaded to ROMEO for all research agreements, including: funding agreements, contribution agreements, transfer agreements, service (consulting agreements), research services contracts, non-disclosure agreements, material transfer agreements, data use agreements, research collaborations, community research agreements, intellectual property, MOU’s and waivers.

Research Ethics and Safety: Human Participants

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All new single jurisdictional protocols requiring ethics review must be submitted through the ROMEO Research Portal for Research Ethics Board (REB) review. For existing protocols that were submitted prior to the use of the Romeo Research Portal for ethics review, please note that all studies continuing into 2025 are to be active in the ROMEO Research Portal. Please complete a New Application Form in ROMEO, noting the old application number (E#) that has need of renewal. 

How-to Manuals:

If you are a student (or other non-faculty researcher), your academic supervisor will need to be the one to submit your Human Ethics application on your behalf from their own ROMEO account. Under Project Team Members, for "Role in Project" please ensure your supervisor is the "Principal Investigator" and that you are the "Principal Applicant" in the ROMEO application prior to submission. ROMEO applications received from student accounts will be returned by the Office of Research and Innovation for re-submission.


Research Ethics BC (Harmonized Provincial Review)

Northern Health Authority


  • Surveys (SurveyMonkey and Microsoft Forms)

Postdoctoral Fellows

For further information, please refer to the Postdoctoral Fellow Guide