Application FAQs
How do I apply?
- ÂÜÀòÉäÇø and the first 2 years of the program are completed at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø’s collaborative colleges:  the  in Prince George & Quesnel, and  in Terrace.
- Students must apply through the appropriate campus.
Where can I apply?
(Prince George & Quesnel Campus)
What do I need to submit with my application?
- Students must submit ALL secondary school and post-secondary institution transcripts, whether they seem relevant or not.
- Once admitted, students will need to submit Criminal Records Checks, CPR-C, and Immunization information.
Do you have an LPN Access program?
- Yes, please contact ÂÜÀòÉäÇø’s collaborative colleges:  the  in Prince George & Quesnel, and  in Terrace.
Future applicants (2025 or forward) can also contact Northern Baccalaureate Nursing | ÂÜÀòÉäÇø
Can I apply to more than 1 campus?
- Yes. Please contact the colleges for more information.
If I am admitted to a regional campus, where do I go for Year 3?
- Students who are admitted to a regional campus will attend the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø campus in that region, i.e. a Terrace or Quesnel student will not attend ÂÜÀòÉäÇø in Prince George
If I get a seat in Quesnel or Terrace, can I transfer to Prince George after Year 1 or Year 2?
- Under extenuating circumstances, a student may be allowed to transfer to Prince George or another campus. Students must apply in writing to the campus they are currently attending. Contact an Advisor for further information.
Where can I upgrade my Prerequisites for admission?
- Students may use approved Adult Basic Education (ABE) courses that are provincial equivalents, or Continuing Education courses through their local School District (check under School District No **, Centre for Learning Alternatives, Continuing Ed).
- Students may be able to use certain college or University courses to cover prerequisites to the program if the content is appropriate and grades are higher than the high school grades. 
What do I do if I have completed some of the required courses ahead of time?
- Students must submit ALL post-secondary transcripts with their application. Courses that appear in the will automatically be transferred if they meet the minimum grade qualification and are within the time limit required. If the course does not appear in the BC Transfer Guide, students should submit detailed course syllabi with their application in order to have the course assessed.
General FAQs
How do I access my online ÂÜÀòÉäÇø account and other information?
Calendar – PDF, Semester dates & online links
- For Year 1 and Year 2, contact the appropriate college.
- For ÂÜÀòÉäÇø: Tuition and Fees
- In addition, all textbooks, as well as provision for travel, accommodation, and living expenses associated with required clinical practice is the sole responsibility of the student.
Year 3 credit hours (not including outstanding electives)
- 32 credit hours for Fall/Winter semesters
- 4 credit hours for Spring/Summer NURS 330-4 (April-July)
- *If students have a student loan, contact Financial Aid regarding the 4 credit Summer course
Year 4 credit hours
- 13 credit hours in one semester (depends on cohort)
- 11 credit hours in other semester
Student numbers and Email addresses
- Students will receive a student number and email address for both the College and ÂÜÀòÉäÇø upon admission. Students will be sent an "Activate your ÂÜÀòÉäÇø account" email from the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø IT department in late October of Year 1 to activate their accounts.
Postal mail addresses & phone numbers
- It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all contact information is updated with the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Office of the Registrar - including Emergency Contacts.
Timelines for Electives
- Students are encouraged to complete the majority of electives before the end of Year 3, since clinical/practica will create time conflicts unless the course is done online. However, online electives are available in Year 4, including those for the Rural Nursing Learning Pathway.
- If you want to take an elective off-campus/correspondence, ensure it is completed before the end of February of your graduating year (marking & transcript delays from other institutions).
Precluded credit (Duplicate Coursework) – e.g. HHSC, SOCW, FNST
- If students take courses in other programs (e.g. Health Sciences) prior to applying, or while in the program (e.g. SOCW), there can be an issue with duplicate coursework (precluded credit; check the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø calendar course descriptions). Both courses cannot be used towards the degree (i.e. the HHSC cannot be used as an elective if the student decides to take the NURS course). Check with an Undergraduate Nursing Programs Advisor for guidance.
Taking Courses at other Institutions - Letter of Permission (LOPs)
- While attending CNC or CMTN, students must follow the colleges’ policies for taking Year 1 and Year 2 course equivalents off-campus (note: 200 level at another institution does not necessarily mean it will receive 200 level credit at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø).
- ALL Year 3 and Year 4 course equivalents taken at other institutions (except those taken at CNC & CMTN), must get an LOP from ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, regardless of where the student is currently taking courses.
- Once in attendance at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, LOPs are required for all courses taken off campus, including the collaborative colleges, to guarantee proper credit for the course is received.
Forms – LOPs, Registration Approval, Confirmation of Enrolment
- Advising forms  (e.g. Letter of Permission)
- Registrar's Office forms  (e.g. registration, course approval, Confirmation of Enrolment)
Repeating courses at another institution
- Some course equivalents are available at other institutions. However, students must receive permission from a Nursing Advisor at the institution that they’re attending in order to repeat a course elsewhere. Students must be aware that transfer courses do not affect the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø CGPA for graduation, and an original ÂÜÀòÉäÇø grade will still calculate in the GPA on the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø transcript. The ‘2 instances’ policy is also in effect.
Leave of Absence (LOA)
- Students are eligible for a LOA for up to a year with a valid reason and must apply in writing.
- LOAs affect priority for registration.
- Students cannot be on a Letter of Permission & Leave of Absence at the same time.
- If students do not register for 3 semesters and do not get a LOA or complete a course on LOP (not just apply for one), they will have to re-apply to the program and follow the new calendar regulations.
- Contact an Advisor to determine if an LOA or part-time studies will be a better option.
Grade Scale Differences between Institutions
- CNC & CMTN’s minimum C grade is 60%. ÂÜÀòÉäÇø minimum C is 63%.
- If taking courses at another institution, students must be aware of that institution’s minimum C (sometimes higher), since ÂÜÀòÉäÇø only accepts the letter grade on the official transcript.
Online Degree Audits
- Online degree audits may not display the correct information. The 200 level or above Nursing or nursing related elective (APPR elective - 200 level or above approved by program) may need to be manually entered, and sometimes other info must be manually changed as well. Check with the Undergraduate Nursing Programs Advisor for any questions and to complete an unofficial audit.
Year 3 & Year 4 FAQs
Registration for Year 3
- The registration process at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø is different than the colleges.
- NURS 220 must be completed successfully to register for any Year 3 courses.
- Registration for Year 3 usually does not happen until early July depending on when the CNC and CMTN transcripts are received and loaded in the system in order to be able to register online.
- Registration for Year 4 will open in late mid to late June.
- Students will receive detailed instructions by e-mail from the Undergraduate Nursing Programs Advisor.
- Tuition is due on the first day of classes in September and January.
- Registration for NURS 330 will occur late February or March.
Transcripts – entering Year 3
- Transcripts with NURS 220 will be the final transcript that CNC or CMTN will send to ÂÜÀòÉäÇø.
- If CNC, CMTN, or courses from other institutions are completed after NURS 220 is finished, it is the student’s responsibility to submit an Official transcript to the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Office of the Registrar.
What is a CRN?
- A CRN is a Course Reference Number. This is a unique code to distinguish each section of a course.
How can I access the General Schedule?
- ;
- This general schedule has all the current information (click on the course title to see prerequisites, waitlists etc), and will show final exams, room/time changes etc once they are posted.
- Students must re-certify CPR-C annually regardless of expiry date on the card – submit a copy to the Clinical Placement Coordinator by orientation in September of Year 3. Online courses are not acceptable.
- Students must carry the card at all times, and may be asked to leave the clinical placement if it can’t be produced for the instructor or if it is no longer valid.
- If students become out-of-sequence, it is their responsibility to ensure their CPR-C is updated.
Criminal Record Checks (CRCs)
- Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General CRCs need to be updated again after completion of NURS 220 for Year 3 clinical placements.
- CRCs must be received by the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Office of the Registrar prior to start of clinical or the student will not be allowed to participate. Detailed instructions will be sent out by the Undergraduate Nursing Programs Advisor in April or May as to how to submit this documentation.
- All orientations (including clinical) are MANDATORY. For Prince George, there will be one in mid-March for incoming Year 3 and Year 4 students, as well as the first week of September. Regional orientations will be announced, but will also be twice a year.
Lab Hours (NURS 328)
- 36 hours of structured, scheduled nursing laboratory practice must be successfully completed no more than 8 months before the student undertakes NURS 329 (OSCE).  Lab hours must be approved by a lab instructor.
NUGSS Health & Dental plan
- PG students are automatically enrolled. Regional students must ‘opt in’ if they want coverage.  -
NURS 329 & 330 OSCE and Clinical Dates
- NURS 329 and NURS 330 do not follow the regular semester schedule dates listed in the calendar.
- NURS 329 (OSCE) will likely start after final exams in April
- NURS 330 end date could be mid to late July.
- Do not make travel plans without checking with someone as it is mandatory to be available during this time.
Application for Graduation
- Students must submit an Undergraduate Application for Graduation form by November 1 in their final year of study.
- Students are encouraged to submit the form in July (completing Year 3) so an initial degree audit may be completed by mid-Fall to ensure everything is in place.