Recordings from HRI Presentations

February 27, 2025

Presenters: Hearts-based Education and Anti-Colonial Learning Project Team (H.E.A.L) 

  • Dr. Sarah de Leeuw & Xstaam Hanaax (Nicole Halbauer)

Title: All Our Relationships: Roles of Friendships and Geography in Developing Critical Anti-Colonial Health Humanities Teaching Tools and Places, including HARC and HEAL

January 31, 2024 

Presenter: Dr. Jim Johnson, PhD 

Title: Canadas Leadership in Diabetes Research Through Core-Driven Open Team Science

November 28th, 2024

Presenter: Terri McKellar, 蹤獲扞⑹ Knowledge Synthesis Librarian

Title: Knowledge Synthesis Overview: Scoping, Systematic, and Rapid Reviews

November 21st, 2024 

Presenter: Visiting Scholar, Dr. Brian Christie

Title: Understanding the effects of repeated mild traumatic brain injury: How preclinical and clinical findings are reshaping our perspective

November 20th, 2024 (Co-Hosted with The Northern Center for Clinical Research)

Presenter: Visiting Scholar, Dr. Jaquelyne Hughes

Title: Transforming Kidney Health in Indigenous Peoples: Experience from ANZ

November 7th, 2024 (Co-Hosted with Northern Health) 


Keynote Speaker: Andr矇 Picard 

Title: Tipping Point: Are we finally ready to undertake some serious healthcare reform? A veteran journalist reflects on the state of Canadas health care system and how it can be modernized and reinvigorated


Plenary Speaker: Dr. Virginia Braun 

Title: Does qualitative story completion have potential for health research?

November 6, 2024

Presenter: Dr. Virginia (Ginny) Braun

Title: Quality Measures for Qualitative Research: What really matters and why? 

October 17, 2024 (Co-Hosted with Northern Health) 

Presenter: Genome BC 

Title: Health Metadata Commons: Unifying Biobank and Omics Metadata

September 26, 2024 (Co-Hosted with Northern Health) 

Presenter: Visiting Scholar,  

Title: Linking strategic health research development to informing evidence-based practice: Experiences of a rural healthcare organization in the United Kingdom

September 19, 2024

Presenter: Julie Morrison | First Nations Health Authority, Vice President, Regional Operations, Northern Region 

April 4, 2024

Presenters: Honours Students

Emily Pinko | Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide (PACAP) Regulation of Sympathetic Innervation in Brown Adipose Tissue

Thomas Kreitz | Examining the Effects of Anxiety on Athletic Injury and Kinesiophobia: A Systematic Review 

Alexia Bankowski | Investigating Intron Function in C. merolae Using Deletion

Bruce Danesh | Staff Resiliency in Long-Term Care During COVID-19 Pandemic in Northern BC

March 21, 2024

Presenter: Dr. Linda O'Neil

Title: The Continuing Importance of Trauma-Informed Health Care in the North: A Long Journey

February 15, 2024

Presenter: Dr. Kalindi Morgan

Title: Natural Products: From natures defense to parmaceuticals of strength

January 18, 2024

Presenter: Dr. Sara Farhan

Title: The Jewish Medical Professionals of Modern Iraq

December 7, 2023

Presenter: Dr. Jacqueline Pettersen

Title: Vitamin D, Cognition, and Dementia

November 16, 2023

Presenter: Dr. Viviane Josewski 

Title: A Time of Truth and Reconciliation: Advancing Meaningful Reconciliation in Health Through Indigenous-led Community-Driven Health Research Partnerships

November 7th - 9th, 2023 (Co-Hosted with Northern Health)


October 19, 2023

PresenterInterdisciplinary Panel 

TitleWorking in Partnership Towards Health in the North

September 21, 2023

Presenters: Dr. Shannon Freeman and Aderonke Agboji

Title: Promoting Quality of Life for Older Adults in Northern and Rural Communities

April 13, 2023 

Presenters: 蹤獲扞⑹ Honours Students 

  1. Title: Assessing The Health Impacts Of Particulate Bound Metals In Downtown Prince George: A Health Indexing Study On Differential Effects Of High And Low Dust Days | Ahmad Jalil
  2. Title: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on phychoactive substance use from a Canadian rural and remote perspective | Amy Crandall
  3. Title: Targeted Delivery of Rosiglitazone to Apidose Tissue for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes | Jake Osteberg

March 16, 2023

Presenters: Dr. Sheona Mitchell, Lennette Desjarlais, & Katina Pollard

Title: In My Hands: Learnings from HPV-Based Cervical Self Screening Approaches in Northern Indigenous Communities 

February 16, 2023

Presenters: Dr. Theresa Healy | Assistant Professor, School of Planning and Sustainability and John Grogran | Community Partner 

Title: You Talk ... We Listen | Health Economic Research and Photovoice in Northern BC

January 17, 2023

Presenters: Janene Erickson (Nak'azdli Whut'en), First Nations Health Authority and Rhianna Millman (M矇tis Nation BC), BC College of Nurses and Midwives

Title: A BC First Nations Case Study Reflection, Remembering Keegan, and the important call to action towards eliminating anti-Indigenous racism in the health system.

  • Presentation Link (not yet available)

December 1, 2022


  • Dr. Shannon Freeman | Associate Professor, Nursing
  • Mark Groulx | Associate Professor, School of Planning and Sustainability
  • Dawn Hemingway | Adjunct Professor, Gender Studies & Social Work
  • Keone Gourlay | Research Assistant, 蹤獲扞⑹
  • Emma Rossnagel | Research Manger, 蹤獲扞⑹

Title: The Dementia-inclusive Streets and Community Access, Participation, and Engagement (DemSCAPE) Project: An interdisciplinary approach to enhancing accessibility to the neighbourhood built environment for persons with dementia

November 17, 2022

Presenter: Dr. Anurag Singh

Title: Building NCCR: One brick at a time! 

October 27, 2022

Presenter: Dr. Gigi Lim | Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, University of Auckland

Title: Antimicrobial Steardship and Antimicrobial Resistance: leadership roles for RNs

September 15, 2022

Presenter: Dr. Jessie King | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities, First Nations Studies 

Title: Indigenous peoples do not owe us anything: Indigeneity, Positionality and Ethical Spaces in Academia 

April 21, 2022

Presenters & Titles

  1. Lindsay Carpenter | Asexual patients generating recommendations for future healthcare research
  2. Aiden Winkel | A review of health literacy recommendations in support of the creation of an automated aid for health communication professionals
  3. Hayley Hirvi | Methods of pain management in rural Canada: A scoping review
  4. Gemma Marchant | Recreational cannabis legalization in Canada and the effects on monthly opioid-related deaths
  5. Jonathan Doyon | Bridging knowledge systems: A comprehensive review of health indicators in Indigenous community context

March 17, 2022

Presenters: Dr. Julia Bickford, Regional Director, Research Evaluation and Analytics, Northern Health | Dr. Marcelo Bravo, Lead, Patient Orientated Research and KT Capacity Building,Co-Lead, BC Support Unit Northern Centre | Dr. Esther Alonso-Prieto, PhD, Chair Research Review Committee, Lead, Clinical Research Ethics.

Title: So you want to do research with Northern Health?  Understanding the role of research administration, and knowledge translation at Northern Health

February 17, 2022

Presenter: Dr. Taru Manyanga | Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Sciences

Title: Movement Behaviors & Health Outcomes in Children and Youth: Which Interventions Work and for Whom?

February 3, 2022

Presenter: Dr. Margo Greenwood | PhD (UBC), MA (UVic), BEd (Alberta) Professor Education and First Nations Studies

Title: Dreaming it into Being: the Realization of the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health

January 20, 2022

Presenter: Dr. Karen Davison | B.A.Sc (Guelph) Dietetic Internship (UBC), M.Sc. (蹤獲扞⑹), Ph.D. (Calgary)

Title: Navigating Nutrition-Related Factors and their Relationships with Mental and Cognitive Health

December 16, 2021

Presenter: Dr. Margot Parkes | Professor, Health Sciences and Northern Medical Program

Title: Healthy Confluences and River Conversations: Lessons from Eco-social Approaches to Public Health from Oceana to Canada

November 18, 2021

Presenter: Dr. Martha MacLeod | Professor, Nursing and Health Sciences, NH-蹤獲扞⑹ Knowledge Mobilization Research Chair,  Steinunn Jonatansdottir, PhD (c) and Research Trainee, Peter Zimmer, Patient Researcher and Leana Garraway, Co-Lead BC Support Unit Northern Centre & Manager, HRI

Title: Patient Orientated Research: Discussion and Reflections

October 21, 2021

Presenter: Dr. Malgorzata Kaminska | Assistant Professor, Northern Medical Program 

Title: Should I sit or should I go? Exploring the role of our legs in cognitive performance enhancement

September 23, 2021

Presenters: Members of the HRI Leadership Council and other 蹤獲扞⑹ health researchers

Title: 蹤獲扞⑹'s diverse Health Research Careers - A panel discussion 

April 15, 2021

Presenters: Kayla Korlek | Alanna Koopmans | Katherine Bailey | Zack Vaughan

Titles: Honour Student Presentations
1. Understanding the Lived Experiences of Social and Community Inclusion and Facilitators of Physical Activity for People with Physical Disabilities in Northern and Rural British Columbia
2 Experiences of Physical Activity in People with Multiple Sclerosis in BC during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
3. Vitamin D and Cognition in Young Adolescents in Northern British Columbia.
4. Investigating the Relationship Between Environmental Xenoestrogen Mixtures and Reproductive Hormones in Canada.

February 18, 2021

Presenters: Dawn Heminway | Leadership Council, Northern Feminist Institute for Research and Evaluation (Northern Fire), Associate Professor, Social Work
                  Lela Zimmer | Leadership Council, Northern Feminist Institute for Research and Evaluation, Adjunct Professor, Nursing

Title: An Examination of Health Needs of Older Women Experiencing Precarious Employment in Northern British Columbi

January 21, 2021

Presenter: Dr. Kendra Furber | Assistant Professor, NMP

Title: Myelination in the Central Nervous System: The Multifaceted Role of Sirtuin 2

December 10, 2020

Presenter: Tammy Klassen-Ross, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences

Title: Predicting who will become a rural physician.  Is it possible?

November 19, 2020

Presenter: Dr. Annie Duchesne, Department of Psycology CIHR-IGH 蹤獲扞⑹ Senior Mentor and Anita Shaw, Department of Psycology CIHR-IGH 蹤獲扞⑹ Training Lead

Title: Introducing the CIHR-IGH trainee network and its 蹤獲扞⑹ node"

October 22, 2020

Presenter: Dr. Dave Snadden, Professor, NMP

Title: The Rural Coordination Centre of BC Site Visits Project- an exercise in advocacy for rural health systems change through rural community engagement and the gathering and analysis of massive amounts of qualitative data"

September 17, 2020

Presenters: Dr. Shannon Freeman, Associate Professor, Nursing and Dr. Richard McAloney, Adjunct Professor, School of Business

Topic: Leveraging Technology to Better Support Older Adults in Northern British Columbia

March 2020

Presenter: Sarah de Leeuw, School of Health Sciences, NMP

Topic:  "Health, Arts, and the Humanities: Crossroads Worth Critical and Creative Conversations"

February 2020

Presenter: Andrea Gingerich, Northern Medical Program

Topic: Failure-to-Fail in medical education: What are we thinking?

January 2020

Presenter: Henry Harder, School of Health Science

Topic:  Indigenous Research and the Importance of Epistemological Humility

October 2019

Presenter: Travis Holyk, First Nation Studies

Topic: Sux Ganah (my words): A story of engaging in Indigenous Health Research

September 2019

Presenter: Robin Roots, Physical Therapy

Topic: "Filling two needs with a single deed: the Prince George Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program improves patient outcomes and student learning"

April 2019

Presenters:  蹤獲扞⑹ Honor Students

Topic: Honor Student Presentation

March 2019

Presenter: Dr. Sean Maurice, SLI, NMP

Topic: Developing the Healthcare Travelling Roadshow

February 2019

Presenter: Dr. Sarah Gray, Associate Professor, NMP

Topic: Biological Determinants of Obesity and Diabetes: a biomedical perspective to disease prevention and management

January 2019

Presenter: Dr. Luke Harris, Associate Professor, Health Sciences

Topic: I Think We Need Some Meat on Those Bones: Recent Outcomes of Brain, Muscle, and Bone Research

December 2018

Presenter: School of Health Sciences PhD Alumni

Topic: School of Health Sciences PhD Alumni Presentations

November 2018

Presenters: Dr. Davina Banner, Associate Professor, Nursing & Dr. Darby Cassidy

Topic: Chronic testicular pain: The experiences of patients undergoing micosurgical spermatic cord denervation

October 2018

Presenter: Dr. Kafui Monu, Assistant Professor, Commerce

Topic: Gamification and Exergames: Designing for Health

September 2018

Presenter: Dr. 浩dsdi (Judy Thompson), Assistant Professor, First Nation Studies

Topic: Indigenous Language Revitalization and Reclamation: Intergenerational Trauma, Healing, and Resiliency

Panel: The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with research and education partners (including past and present students) involved in language learning using immersive settings to raise language proficiency

April 2018

Presenter: Dr. Sheona Mitchell-Foster

Topic: Bridging the Cancer Divide: Iterative Research Addressing Burdens of Cervical Cancer at Home and Abroad

March 2018

Topic: Pecha Kucha Presentations

February 2018

Presenters: Kevin Adams, Georgia Betkus, Tim Wood, Frank Flood, and Dr. Shannon Freeman

Topic: Examining the Quality of Telehealth Services in Northern British Columbia: Collaborative Research Conducted in Partnership between Northern Health and 蹤獲扞⑹

January 2018

Presenter: Dr. Chris Buse, CIRC Project Lead

Topic: New Horizons in Health Impact Assessment Research Practice

December 2017

Presenter: Annie Duchesne,  Assistant Professor, Psychology

Topic: The Crucial Role of Context in Understanding the Interplay between Ovarian Hormones and Psychological Health in Women

November 2017

Presenter: Dr. Chow Lee, Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Topic: Exploring British Columbia Wil Mushrooms for Novel Medicinal Compounds

October 2017

Presenter: Rob Olson, Associate Professor, Northern Medical Program, Division Head, Radiation Oncology, UBC

Topic: Leading Health Services Research from Northern BC

September 2017

Presenters: Sarah de Leeuw, Associate Professor, Northern Medical Program, Research Director, Health Arts Research Centre, & Henry Harder. Dr. R. Rix Leadership Chair, Aboriginal Environmental Health; Professor, School of Health Science

Topic: Indigenous Health