BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre

What is the BC SUPPORT Unit?

The (Support for People and Patient-Oriented Research and Trials) is a provincial initiative that helps move evidence developed with patients and communities into practice. 

We support researchers, patients, policy makers, clinicians and health system leaders to improve care systems with:

  • data platforms and services
  • learning health systems
  • capacity development
  • patient engagement

Our work is grounded in equity, diversity and inclusion, sex- and gender-based analysis, and Indigenous health research ethics.

We're one of the units formed as part of , a national initiative led by the . We’re part of and we’re funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of BC. 

A provincial coordinating office supports activities across BC. The office works in partnership with regional supports within Vancouver, Fraser, Interior, Northern and Vancouver Island health authorities.

About the BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre

The BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre is one of four regional centres of the BC SUPPORT Unit. We support the geographic area served by Northern Health. This includes the communities of Northern British Columbia from Quesnel north to the Yukon border, and Haida Gwaii east to the Alberta border.

The BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre operates as a partnership between Northern Health and the University of Northern British Columbia through the Innovation and Development Commons.

Questions and answers

What is patient-oriented research?

Patient-oriented research involves patients, caregivers and families in the research process.
Patient-oriented research is:

  • done in partnership with patients.
  • answers research questions that matter to patients.
  • aims to improve health care and health outcomes for patients.

Patient-oriented research brings together patients, researchers, health care providers and health system decision-makers.

Why volunteer? 

You can help make a real difference in other people's lives by participating in a health research study. 

platform is a joint initiative of the health authorities and university partners in BC that connects volunteers with health researchers across the province. Researchers can post their studies to find interested participants across BC.

For patient partner opportunities on research teams in the Northern Health region, please email northerncentre@healthresearchbc.ca

Read about volunteer opportunities to participate in health research . 

For more information on BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre, see BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre information. 

Developing Northern Research Collaborations Award 

This award is no longer active. This is for archival information only

The BC SUPPORT Unit, Northern Centre dedicated funding to provide the opportunity for researchers, health care providers, decision makers, and patient partners to develop collaborations for person, family, and community centred research. The Developing Northern Research Collaboration Awards catalyzed patient-oriented research that aligns with CIHR’s SPOR Capacity Development Framework and the SPOR Patient Engagement Framework.

The total amount available for this competition was $50,000, enough to fund 5 awards. The maximum amount per award was $10,000 per year for up to one year.

Past funded teams and individuals

Title: Understanding engagement in care by patients who access opioid agonist therapy
Term: April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Researcher: Erin Wilson
Health System Partners: Kristine Roswell, Healen Bourque, Jennifer Hawkes
Patient/Community Partner: George Sears

Title: Exploring Children's Independent Mobility in Northern BC
Term: April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Researchers: Chelsea Pelletier, Caroline Sanders
Health System Partners: Gloria Fox
Patient/Community Partners: Stacey Pickering, Jenessa Ellis, Erica McLean

Title: Preventing RhD Alloimmunization in Northern BC
Term: September 2018 - June 2020
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Researcher: Trina Fyfe
Health System Partner: Christorina Taruc
Patient/Community Partner: Jennifer Hawkes

Title: Envisioning Health with Nadleh Whut'En
Term: March 2018 - June 2020
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Researcher: Sarah De Leeuw
Health System Partner: Kelly Gunn
Patient/Community Partner: Carolyn Hilbert

Title: Optimizing the Patient Experience in Medical Travel
Term: September 2018 - May 2020
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Researcher: Denise Jaworsky
Health System Partner: Dave Sohi
Patient/Community Partners: Howard & Judy Chafin

Graduate Studentship Award

This award is no longer active. This is for archival information only

The Graduate Studentship Program was designed for candidates who were enrolled in a full-time thesis-based Masters or PhD program at the University of Northern BC (ÂÜÀòÉäÇø) who were interested in undertaking patient-oriented research. The amount that each successful applicant received was $10,000 per year for up to one year.

The objectives of the studentship were to:

  • Support and train thesis-based graduate students in the principles and practice of patient-oriented research;
  • Provide patient-oriented training activities to develop capacity through an interdisciplinary approach that fosters collaboration between research partners (e.g, applicants, thesis supervisors, clinicians, patient partners, and community team members);
  • Create opportunities for research partners to work together, from conceptualization of the research questions through to dissemination and implementation of results; and
  • Demonstrate the impact of the studentship for graduate students and their research.

Past funded teams and individuals

Title: Effectiveness of an Intervention: Impact of the British Columbia Emergency Health Services Community Paramedicine Program on Chronic Condition Management in Rural and Remote British Columbia
Term: April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Graduate Student: Andrew Schulz, Health Sciences

Title: The Impact of Structures and Systems Present in Everyday Home Care Nursing Work on the Nurse-Patient Relationship in Northern British Columbia
Term: April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Graduate Student: Rebecca Stent, Nursing

Title: The Rehabilitative Effects of Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage on Patients Experiences with Concussions
Term: June 1, 2019 - May 31, 2020
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Graduate Student: Alex Douglas

Title: Community Pharmacy Providers’ Experiences of Over the Counter Codeine Product Sales in British Columbia
Term: June 1, 2019 - May 31, 2020
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Graduate Student: Erika Belanger

Education and training opportunities

BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre

The BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre offers the Foundations in Patient-Orientated Research courses. These one or two day face-to face training include modules on patient-orientated research, fundamentals of health research in Canada, and building partnership and consolidating teams. To request a course, or to find out about upcoming workshops, please email northerncentre@healthresearchbc.ca

N2 Network and Networks

The Network of Networks (N2) is a not-for-profit incorporated organization and on alliance of Canadian research networks and organizations working to enhance national clinical research capability and capacity. The BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre offers free clinical research training courses through N2 for anyone engaged in clinical research. To register for courses, contact Leana Garraway (leana.garraway@unbc.ca). To register for the N2 newsletter, visit their . 

Clinical Trials BC facilitates membership for 20 academic and health authority research institutions, ÂÜÀòÉäÇø being one of them. For access, please contact Leana (leana.garraway@unbc.ca). 


Leana Garraway

Leana Garraway

BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre co-lead

Marcelo Bravo

Marcelo Bravo

BC SUPPORT Unit Northern Centre co-lead

Bree Loeffler

Bree Loeffler

Administrative Assistant