Celebrating the Collaboration for Health Research in Northern BC Seed Grant Presentation and Panel Discussion

Conference Poster

Celebrating 10 years of Partnership! 

University of Northern British Columbia (ÂÜÀòÉäÇø) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance research collaboration focused on health priorities in northern B.C.  
The Collaboration for Health Research in Northern BC seed grant program (2015-2023) was initiated to support this goal by funding collaborative research projects that focused on establishing new research partnerships, building research capacity, mutual learning and increasing place-based research and knowledge translation.  
Grant recipients were awarded $10,000, in total 26 projects were funded, $260,000 of research funding was awarded. Each research project had team members from PHSA, NH and ÂÜÀòÉäÇø.  
As this seed grant has come to an end, please join us to celebrate the success of the program.  At this event several researchers will provide overviews of their funded projects and engage in a panel discussion about the impacts of the grants.  


  • Esther Alonso-Prieto, Regional Lead, Ethics Services, Chair, NH Research Ethics Board, Northern Health 
  • Davina Banner-Lukaris, Professor, School of Nursing, University of Northern BC 
  • Lisa Ronald, Simon Fraser University & Northern Health
  • Emma Rossnagel, Research Manager, University of Northern BC 
  • Caroline Sanders, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Northern BC
  • Erica Koopmans, Regional Coordinator – Northern Health, Child Health BC, Provincial Health Services Authority  

Shorter Recordings