The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management delivers undergraduate degrees in natural resources and the environment taught by faculty with interests in all aspects of ecosystem function, from the cellular and molecular scale to the organismal and landscape scale, and the role of humans in modifying these ecosystems.
The interdisciplinary nature of this program reflects the interwoven interests of faculty members and the necessity of incorporating diverse perspectives in ecosystem management that range from natural science to social science.
Undergraduate degrees
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BSc) 1
- Biology (BSc)
- Conservation Science and Practice (BSc)
- Forest Ecology and Management (BSc)
- Nature-based Tourism Management (BA) 3
- Wildlife and Fisheries (BSc)
(1) Administered jointly between the Chemistry, Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering programs.
(2) Formerly the BSc in Natural Resources Management - major in Outdoor Recreation and Conservation.
(3) Administered by the Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Management program.