Spending and contract signing authority

Spending Authority

Each exempt and faculty leadership level is designated spending authority with limits set per the level in the organization. Spending authority may be delegated to subordinates by completing and submitting a spending authority form. Web requisitions submitted through FAST must be routed through the appropriate spending authority level(s). Web requisitions without appropriate approval(s) will be redirected before any purchase is made. Email approvals will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances. 
In addition, these limits and delegations apply to purchasing card use.
Those with official interim and acting assignments will have that role's spending authority.

  • Chairs and Managers can approve operating and ancillary funds up to $10,000.
  • Deans and Directors can approve on operating, ancillary, and capital funds up to $50,000.
  • VP’s may approve a single transaction valued up to $249,999.99 within their total operating, ancillary, and capital funds for their specific area of responsibilities.
  • The President may approve a single transaction valued up to $499,999.99.
  • Research purchases over $5,000 are signed off by the VP Research and Innovation.
  • Professional development fund purchases are approved by Chair as an appropriate use of the money. On the administrative side they are approved by the one-up signature.
  • Start-up or seed money (15xxx & 16xxx) needs to be approved by the Chair.
  • Capital items in excess of $1,000 require Dean or Director’s approval.

Contract Signing Authority

Two signatures are required on any contract issued by ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. 
Those two signatures are typically budget holder/Director and the related VP.

Any contract submitted by a vendor may only be signed by a Purchasing Agent or VPFA.