New Transfer Students

Upon admission to ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, students will receive a transfer credit summary. It is important that you review and understand your summary. Please contact the Office of the Registrar at if you notice there are any glaring errors or omissions.

Registering for Courses for Your Program at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø

Learn how to Register, Waitlist and Plan ahead.

Here are some important tips for scheduling your courses:

  • Always try to schedule required, lower-level courses first. The majority of required courses usually only have one lecture time and are only offered in one semester.
  • If you are waived from a pre-requisite course, you will need permission from the instructor to register. For example, if you are waived from BIOL 103 and BIOL 123, you will need permission from the instructor of BIOL 201 to register). 
  • If a required course has a lab or a tutorial, select this second.  You only choose one lab and/or one tutorial section per course. Labs and tutorials MUST be registered along with their corresponding lectures to ensure full registration of the course. 
  • If you receive a pre-requisite error, it could be because ÂÜÀòÉäÇø does not have the information on file that the registration system is looking for. Often, if you are in a program that has a number of pre-requisites (i.e. Biology, Commerce, Environmental Science, Forest Ecology and Management, or Wildlife and Fisheries) the system will check to see if you meet the pre-requisite requirements of the course you are trying to register for. As many of the pre-requisites are based on high school grades (i.e. Biology 11 or 12 to register in BIOL 103) you might wish to submit your high school transcripts to help aid you in the registration process. Note: if you receive credit for STAT but it shows up on your Transfer Credit Summary as STAT 2XX-3 then the system will not recognize that for registration in another course that needs STAT 240-3 as a pre-requisite.  Please contact your Student Advisor for your registration options given that information.

Additional helpful information:

  • Your degree evaluation is available once course registration opens for your first semester at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. Your degree evaluation organizes your coursework for you, shows you how your transfer credits are being used, and helps you track your progress toward graduation.To see how your transfer credit has been applied to your degree, please visit your Degree Evaluation via your .
  • When admitted to ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, you are following the program requirements of the Academic Calendar of your admit year. For example, if you are admitted for September 2022, you will be following the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar throughout the entirety of your undergraduate degree. Please ensure you are not simply "Googling" your program requirements and are using the appropriate Academic Calendar.  
  • Transfer credit may be awarded based on the Major you have applied for at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. If you choose to change your Major, please consult with your Student Advisor to see if your awarded transfer credit will be eligible.
  • Transfer credit may not be awarded for courses completed in excess of 10 academic years prior to the date of first ÂÜÀòÉäÇø registration. If over 10 years, the credit will normally be unspecified (UNSP). If the coursework is not over 10 academic years old, and if you have received UNSP transfer credit, please note that this could be because it has not yet been reviewed by the academic program for program-specific credit. Please contact your Student Advisor to determine if you should proceed through the formal articulation process. Please note that the formal process is conducted through the Office of the Registrar ( and can be lengthy. An early start in the process is always advised.
  • If you are absent from ÂÜÀòÉäÇø for three consecutive semesters, you will need to re-apply to ÂÜÀòÉäÇø and your transfer credit may be re-evaluated.
  • If you take a course at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø that you were awarded transfer credit for, the transfer credit will be removed.
  • Understand the important Dates and Deadlines.

Need help?

Contact your Student Advisor! Get in touch by emailing with your student number and program, or give our front desk a call at 250-960-6306.