ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Gets Approval
For Unique Degree Program

Media Release

June 11, 1996 For Immediate Release

The BC Ministry of Education, Skills, and Training has approved a University of Northern British Columbia proposal for a bachelors of arts degree in Resource-based Tourism. The program will be the first of its kind in Canada.

"Resource-based Tourism relates to those tourism activities and experiences that involve the natural and cultural environments, such as ecotourism, backcountry travel, and First Nations heritage sites," says Alan Ewert, Program Chair of Resource Recreation and Tourism. "One of the fastest growing sectors of the economy is tourism, and one of the fastest growing segments of tourism include those activities that take place in natural environments."

The curriculum examines various aspects of tourism, including marketing, natural resource and environmental considerations, First Nations concerns, economic aspects, and business perspectives.

"Resource-based tourism is one use of a land base that has other existing or potential uses, such as timber extraction or mining. It's a key component of education in the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies to include an exposure to all of the various demands on our environment," says Dr Ewert. "Northern BC has numerous wilderness areas, parks, community forests, and First Nations' lands that support or have the potential to support resource-based tourism opportunities."

Currently, no other Canadian university offers a bachelors degree in Resource-based Tourism. Most other tourism programs at the college and university level focus on hotel management and other conventional forms of tourism.

The BA in Resource-based Tourism will be offered in the 1996-97 academic year. It is the first four-year bachelors degree program to be added at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø since the full opening in 1994.