Public Presentations - 2018 Archives

Winter 2018 Lineup

February 14, 2018:  Miquel Dangeli -Re-Developing the Work of B.A. Haldane, 19th Century Tsimshian Photography
This presentation focuses on the image produced by Tsimshian photographer Benjamin Alfred Haldane (1874-1941). Known by a nickname composed of his first two-initials B.A., he was born to Matthew and Ada Haldane on June 15, 1874, in Metlakatla, British Columbia. B.A. was of the Laxgyibuu (Wolf Clan) from the Ginadoiks tribe. At thirteen-years-old he participated in the mass movement of 823 Tsimshian people who, accompanied by lay missionary William Duncan, established the community of Metlakatla, Alaska in their quest for government-sanctioned land rights in 1887. Having opened a portrait studio there in 1899, B.A. is considered to be one of the first Indigenous people to become a professional photographer in North America. Using archival, community-based research, and Indigenous research methodologies, this presentation demonstrates the complex and subversive ways in which B.A.s photography was utilized by First Nations people in Alaska and British Columbia as a means to resist colonial oppression of their cultural practices.

February 28, 2018: Denise Jaworsky - Towards Reconciliation in Research: Development of an Allied Research Paradigm for Clinical Epidemiology
Epidemiology has a long and turbulent history with Indigenous health. Findings from numerous studies have had adverse repercussions for Indigenous communities, however, epidemiology can also be a helpful tool for supporting health and health services. The objective of this talk is to begin a discussion of the ways we may be able to reconcile the field of epidemiology with the needs of Indigenous communities. It will present and seek community input into the beginnings of an Allied Research Paradigm to guide non-Indigenous researchers working collaboratively with Indigenous communities.

March 28, 2018: Matthew Beedle - Glaciers, Streams and Salmon: Will Climate Change Leave the Kitsumkalum River High and Dry?
The glaciers at the head of our watersheds are receding as the climate warms. As this icy reservoir dwindles, downstream impacts in the form of warmer stream temperatures and lower flow volumes may have detrimental impacts on salmon. This presentation discusses the big picture of this challenge and recent research on the Kitsumkalum River watershed as a case study. For the past two summers a research partnership that includes Kitsumkalum, 蹤獲扞⑹ and NWCC has investigated the stream temperatures, glaciers and seasonal snowpack of the Kitsumkalum River watershed. Please join us to hear about this ongoing effort.

Spring/Summer 2018 Lineup

May 9, 2018: Mel Bevan - From Clearing Trees to Modern-day Treaty Negotiations: Kitselas First Nations Governance over the Last Half Century 
This public address by 蹤獲扞⑹ Northwest Elder in Residence, Mel Bevan, provides an overview of more than 50 years of evolution in Kitselas First Nations governance. The presentation begins with a review of the Indian Act and how it has shaped all subsequent efforts at First Nations governance and self-government. The history of the establishment of the Kitselas reserve(s) is discussed along with a summary of the changes in the community(s). Mel will provide an overview of his participation from more than a half-century of involvement in first nations governance including roles as a councillor, chief councillor, band manager and inter-nation liaison. The goals, process and changing nature of treaty negotiations will be discussed with a particular emphasis on the lessons for contemporary First Nations governance. Finally, a summary of the role of the modern-day councillor will follow including input from current councillors; as Mels daughter Sue expands on the next-generation of Kitselas governance.

  • Video.蹤獲扞⑹.ca Archive - | | |
  • YouTube Archive - | | |

June 13, 2018: Anika Brookhart - The New Graduate Rural Nurse Transition to Practice: The Good, Bad and Ugly
In this presentation, we will explore the experiences of new graduate nurses working in rural and remote areas. Rural nursing is gaining more recognition as a complex and challenging area to work. Various challenges exist for new nursing graduates; however, less is known about the rural new graduate nurse experience. This presentation scratches the surface of the novice graduate experience with three meta-themes identified: professional, organizational, and personal realities. The hope is that once these experiences are further understood, we can then identify areas in which we can support these nurses to be successful and thrive in rural communities; thereby, improving recruitment and retention. Our northern communities are ideally positioned to explore this phenomenon.

Fall 2018 Lineup

September 26, 2018: Chibuike Onwukwe - Atmospheric Quality and Industrialization of the Terrace-Kitimat Valley

The Terrace-Kitimat corridor is poised for expansion of natural resource processing and export facilities for example, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and bitumen refining plants. Increased deposition of sulphur- and nitrogen-containing compounds may acidify soils and water bodies. Current and future contaminant concentrations need to be adequately quantified and characterized, but area-wide information on air quality is limited by a low number of continuous monitoring stations. Modelling tools are now available that can integrate time- and space-varying emissions with meteorology, and can resolve the complex chemistry of multiple pollutants. These tools are being implemented for projecting air quality and acid deposition effects of emission scenarios for the Terrace-Kitimat valley.

November 7, 2018: Dave Jephson - Emergency Preparedness for Terrace and Area

The Terrace-Kitimat corridor is poised for expansion of natural resource processing and export facilities for example, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and bitumen refining plants. Increased deposition of sulphur- and nitrogen-containing compounds may acidify soils and water bodies. Current and future contaminant concentrations need to be adequately quantified and characterized, but area-wide information on air quality is limited by a low number of continuous monitoring stations. Modelling tools are now available that can integrate time- and space-varying emissions with meteorology, and can resolve the complex chemistry of multiple pollutants. These tools are being implemented for projecting air quality and acid deposition effects of emission scenarios for the Terrace-Kitimat valley.

November 21, 2018: Len Vanderstar - Guardians of the Babine: Grizzly Bears of the Babine River Watershed

Len is a Skeena Region based habitat protection biologist and has spent decades adventuring within the Babine River watershed. Len is an advocate for grizzly bear conservation and he will share his personal stories along with photo and video, bringing to life the uniqueness of these majestic animals. This presentation will focus on grizzly bears, but it will also touch on our connection to place and self-determination as a result of our sustenance economy being prioritized over a monetary economy, largely as a result of salmon energy and nutrient flow up the arteries of our watersheds.
