Graduate Students

Neil Hanlon, Ph.D.
Queen's University at Kingston (Ph.D.)

Professor, Geography Program

Graduate Students

Amy Klepetar, PhD Health Science (co-supervised with M Parkes), 2022 - present

Alishia Lindsay, MSc Health Sciences: September 2019 - present

Steinunn Jonatansdottir, PhD Health Science (co-supervised with M MacLeod), 2017 present

Fraser Bell, PhD Health Science (co-supervised with M MacLeod), 2013 present

If you are interested in issues of health geography, especially as they are expressed and experienced in rural and small town settings, please contact me by email at


Anthony Muturi Kariuki, PhD Health Science (co-supervised with G Schmidt), 2021. Title: . DOI: 10.24124/2021/59140

Carolyn E. Emon, MA Interdisciplinary Studies, 2016. Title: Human trafficking: An examination of available services and support in Prince George, B.C.

Joanna Paterson, MSc Community Health, 2014. Title: Students who stay: Stories of Northern Medical Program graduates and place integration.

Leana Garraway, MA Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013. Title: Knowledge to action: First Nations engagement with research for community benefit.

Brooke Eschuk, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, 2013. Title: Come out and play! Exploring the landscapes of free-play in Prince George, British Columbia.

Jessica Blewett, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, 2012. Title: Disablement in Prince George, B.C.: A qualitative, holistic and participatory exploration.

Jiwon Slotwinski, MSc Community Heath, 2011. Title: People need to listen to us: Empowering people living with HIV/AIDS through positive prevention.

Rachael Clasby, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, 2007. Title: Networks and partnerships in a resource town: A case study of adapting to an aging population in Mackenzie, B.C.

Jessica Place, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, 2007. Title: Expanding the mine, killing a lake: A case study of First Nations environmental values, perceptions of risk and health.

Pamela Tobin, MA Interdisciplinary Studies, 2007. The social and cultural experiences of food security in the Takla Lake First Nation: Informing public health.