Awards and Honours

2015 - one of 3 recipients of 2014 Research Excellence Award of the University of Northern British Columbia ($3000).

2013 - one of 4 Best Paper Awards by the World Association of Sediment and Erosion (WASER). Papers were selected from over 120 papers published in the International Journal of Sediment Research (Elsevier Sci.) in 2011 and 2012 and the special issue of this journal from the international conference for river sediment.  This award was presented on the 12th International Conference on Sediment in Kyoto in September 2013.
Awarded paper Investigation of Turbulence characteristics and bursting phenomenon in channel with vegetation over bed, International Journal of Sediment Research, (doi:10.1016/S1001-6279(11)60093-0). Vol. 25 (3), P. 269 -282, 2011.

2012 to present - Research Ambassador of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Services).

2011 - one of 4 recipients of 2010 Research Excellence Award of the University of Northern British Columbia ($2500).

2009 - DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Faculty Research Visiting Fellowship (4500 EURO).

May 1999 - November 2000 - NSERC Post Doctoral Fellowship, NSERC, Canada, $35,000/year.

October 1993 - September 1998 - DAAD Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service, Germany, 20,000 German Mark/year.