Nechako Watershed Roundtable

Launch of the Nechako Watershed Roundtable

Members of the IWRG, especially Margot Parkes, along with personnel from the,  and the  have worked diligently to help establish the.

The Nechako Watershed Roundtable is a new collaborative initiative established to protect and improve the health of the Nechako watershed for future generations. It was launched on October 21, 2016 at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, by among others, Her Honour, The Honourable Judith Guichon, OBC, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia and Chief Terry Teegee of the Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council.

Details of the launch and the first working meeting of the Roundtable  in October 2015 can be found here:

Launch and 1st working meeting of the NWR