Greg R. Halseth, Ph.D.
Queen's University at Kingston, 1993
Geography Program
Research Interests
- Northern BC Economic Development Vision and Strategy Project
- Canada Research Chair in Rural and Small Town Studies
- Community Development Institute at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø
- Rural and small town social geography
- Community change / community definition
- Conflict between rural and cottage property owners
- Community economic development
- Rural and small town community development
- Social Geography consequences of Economic Restructuring in resource towns
- Rural Japan Research 2001
Research Projects
* For a listing of recent projects and reports, please see the Community Development Institute at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø website.
- At Home in the North: Partners in Northern Housing and Home, 2021-2028, with Julia Christensen (Memorial University). SSHRC and CMHC Grant.
- Understanding Precarity in Work and Beyond in Northern BC, 2021-2028, with Simon Fraser University and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. SSHRC Grant.
- Building Solutions to Housing Insecurity and Health for Older Women in Vulnerable Circumstances, 2020-2021, with Denise Cloutier (University of Victoria) and about 10 other partners. SSHRC - Insight Grant.
- Supporting Resilience: 'Wraparound' Solutions to Homelessness for Older Women, 2020-2022, with Denise Cloutier (University of Victoria) and 4 other partners. CIHR Grant.
- Entrepreneurialism and Rural / Small Town Local Government, 2020-2024, with Simon Fraser University, University of Lethbridge, University of Guelph, and Memorial University. SSHRC - Insight Grant.
- Regional Workforce Development in Rural BC, 2016-2019, with Terri MacDonald (Selkirk College) and 10 other partners. SSHRC - Partnership Grant.
- Resource Royalties: Return to Producing Rural Regions, 2016-2023* (COVID-19 extension), with Sean Markey (Simon Fraser University), Neil Argent (University of New England), and Fiona Haslam-McKenzie (University of Western Australia). SSHRC - Insight Grant.
- A Scoping Review on the Community Impacts of Unconventional Natural Gas, 2016, with Chris Buse, Margot Parkes, and Art Fredeen at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. SSHRC - Knowledge Synthesis Grant.
- Lessons from Smart Service Infrastructure Projects in Rural BC, 2015. ÂÜÀòÉäÇø - SSHRC Internal Grant.
- Governing Adaptive Change Towards a Sustainable Economy in the Arctic, 2014-2018. Served on International Advisory Board. Academy of Finland.
- Rural Policy Learning Commons: Building Rural Policy through International Comparative Analysis, with Bill Reimer (Concordia and Trent Universities) and about 45 other partners. SSHRC – Partnership Grant
- Healthy Aging in rural and small town places, 2012-2015. Vancouver Foundation.
- The transformative role of voluntarism in aging resource communities: integrating people, place and community, 2012 – 2014, with Mark Skinner (Trent University, Neil Hanlon (ÂÜÀòÉäÇø), Alun Joseph (U of Guelph). SSHRC - Insight Development Grant.
- On the Move: Employment-Related Geographical Mobility in the Canadian Context, 2012-2019, with Barb Neis (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Sean Markey (SFU), Catherine Nolin (ÂÜÀòÉäÇø), Angèle Smith (ÂÜÀòÉäÇø). SSHRC – Partnership Grant.
- Working ‘away’: Community and family impacts of skilled trades workers from Mackenzie BC who work outside of the town for extended periods, 2011-2013, with Sean Markey (SFU). SSHRC – Insight Development Grant.
- Homes beyond Homes: Multiple dwelling and everyday living in leisure spaces, 2011- 2015, with Michael Hall, SeijaTuulentie, Eeva Furman, Dieter K. Müller, MerviHiltunen, Kati Pitkänen. Academy of Finland.
- (Re)Defining Poverty: Population and economic restructuring in resource dependent rural & small town places, 2010.
- Expert dialogue on future forest and fibre use opportunities, 2008 – 2009. Industry Canada, Western Economic Diversification Canada.
- Space to Place: The Next Rural Economies, 2008, with Sean Markey (SFU), David Bruce (Mount Allison). SSHRC – Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences Program.
- National Network for Urban Indigenous Economic Development, 2008-2011. SSHRC – Knowledge Impact in Society Program.
- National Network for Urban Indigenous Economic Development, 2008-2009. Indian and North Affairs Canada – Economic Development Branch.
- National Network for Urban Indigenous Economic Development, 2008-2011. Indian and North Affairs Canada – Office of the Federal Interlocutor.
- Northern BC Service Industry Sector study, 2007-2009. Service Canada.
- Old Massett Village Council 5 Year Human Resources Strategic Plan, 2006-2007, with Old Massett Village Council. Service Canada.
- Prince George Housing Strategy, 2013, with Marleen Morris (ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Community Development Institute).
- Sustainable Community Development Plan, 2013, with Marleen Morris (ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Community Development Institute).
- Community and Regional Impacts of Major Industrial Development, 2012, with Terrace – Kitimat Industrial Development Society.
- Age-friendly Community Planning and Project, 2012, with Municipality of Clearwater. UBCM.
- Integrated study of the social dimensions of rural health, 2004-2009, with Aleck S. Ostry and Clyde Hertzman (principal investigators), and Greg Halseth, A. D’Anguilli, Stefanie, Maggie, and James Tansey (co-investigators). Canadian Institute of Health Research: New Emerging Team Grants.
- Mackenzie and Area Seniors’ Needs Overview, 2004-2005, District of Mackenzie and ÂÜÀòÉäÇø’s Northern Land Use Institute.
- The heart of the community: Tracing the role of the Peace River Women’s Institutes, 2004-2005, with Pamela Den Ouden (principal investigator), and Greg Halseth, Ramona Rose and Steve Roe (co-investigators). Living Landscapes, Royal BC.
- Northern BC Economic Development Vision and Strategy Project, 2003-2004, Industry Canada, Western Economic Diversification Canada.
- Canada Research Chair in Rural and Small Town Studies
- Community Transition in Single Industry Town: Social Capacity and Local Responses to Mine Closure." 2001-2004 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- Implications of Changing Commuting Patterns on Resource Town Sustainability: The example of Mackenzie, British Columbia
- New Rural Economy Project, a rural research network coordinated through Concordia University and the Canadian Rural Restructuring Foundation - "Mackenzie and Tumbler Ridge BC in a changing global economy" - this is an ongoing project.
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation - Standard External Research Grant - "Housing Transitions in single-Industry 'Instant Towns'"
- An Historical Geography of the Community of Upper Fraser
- A Geography of Small Town Resilience: Household and community strategies for coping with economic change in small, resource-based, communities". 1995-1999. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
- Community Participation and Decision-Making in the New Forest Economy", with Annie Booth. 1996-1999. Forest Renewal British Columbia Research Grant.
- Pluralism in Community Development Practices: Can New Information Technology Build/Maintain a Civil Society", with the Community Economic Development Centre at Simon Fraser University. 1994-1998. Toyota Foundation.
- Change and Contention: Redevelopment in Canadian Suburbs". 1993-1995. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Research Websites