Program Chairs and Coordinators
PhD Educational Studies (University of British Columbia), MEd Educational Leadership and Administration (Simon Fraser University)
Dr. Fraser is a Mori scholar from Aotearoa (New Zealand) teaching at the University of Northern British Columbia. Her tribal affiliations are Ngti Haka/Patuheuheu, Ngti Koura, and Ngti Pani from the T贖hoe Nation. The other affiliation is Ngti Ranginui. Dr.
PhD (Emory), MA, BA (Simon Fraser University)
Dr. Jacqueline Holler is an an early modern cultural historian of early colonial Mexico who also teaches contemporary Latin American history and teaches and conducts research in the area of gender studies.
PhD, MA (McMaster University); BA Hons (University of Guelph)
Kevin Hutchings is Professor of English and a 蹤獲扞⑹ University Research Chair.
PhD (University of Saskatchewan), PhD (Ukrainian National Academy of Arts and Sciences), MA (Chernivtsi State University)
Professor Maryna Romanets specializes in contemporary, comparative, postcolonial, world, and womens literatures, gender, sexuality and cultural studies, and contemporary critical theory.
PhD, MA, BA (University of Toronto)
Dr. Wessell Lightfoot received her PhD from the University of Toronto in 2005.
PhD, MA (University of Toronto), BA Honours (Carleton University)
Gary N. Wilson is a Professor and Chair in the Department of Political Science.
Monica Mattfeld is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Northern British Columbia.
PhD University of Guelph; MA University of Guelph; BA University of Northern British Columbia
Tristan Pearce is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences at the University of Northern British Columbia, where he is also the Canada Research Chair in the Cumulative Impacts of Environmental Change.