

As a landscape ecologist I investigate the interaction of abiotic and biotic processes on watershed functioning.  The underlying theme of my research is the fate and effect of material transfers from terrestrial environments into and through aquatic systems.   My work addresses the role of inorganic and organic sediments on the biological (plants, fish), chemical (nutrients, contaminants) and physical (sediment erosion and transport) aspects of land-water systems.

Specific focus areas include:

  • Landscape scale linkages between terrestrial and aquatic systems
  • Landscape disturbances on sediment transfers (fire, forest harvesting, agriculture)
  • Biogeomorphology: influence of organisms on physical attributes of aquatic systems and vice versa
  • Ecological implications of transfers and storage of fine sediment (both organic and inorganic) in rivers and lakes  
  • Fine sediment morphology and composition (flocculation processes)
  • Lake restoration and community stewardship

Recent Funding for Focused Research

(role as Primary Investigator Identified (PI))

Climate Change Impacts on Salmon Habitats

2023/05/04: Evaluating climate change scenarios for the Quesnel Watershed to determine flood, fire and temperature risks posed to Upper Fraser salmon stocks $5,000,000 (35 months) (Petticrew PI with 5 others).  A BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund grant for both research (50%) and infrastructure (50%). A new laboratory and teaching facility will be constructed at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø’s Quesnel River Research Centre (QRRC).

Aquatic System Response to Disturbance

  • 2021/04/01: Assessing Medium term Damage and Recovery of Quesnel Lake Seven Years after the Mt Polley Tailings Spill. Environment and Climate Change Canada – Environmental Damages Fund: $ 273,000 (24 months) (Petticrew PI with 4 others)
  • 2016/04/01: Assessing the resiliency of Quesnel Lake to the impacts of the Mt Polley tailings spill of 2014. Environment and Climate Change Canada – Environmental Damages Fund: $1,000,000 (48 months) (Petticrew PI with 5 others)
  • 2015/02/28: Independent Monitoring of Quesnel Lake and River following the Mt Polley Mine Tails Impoundment Breach. Pacific Salmon Foundation, Community Salmon Program: $55,000 (12 months) (Petticrew PI with 1 other)

Integrated Watershed Research

  • 2016/10/01 Contributions of climate change and hydro-electric regulation to the variability and change of freshwater-marine coupling in the Hudson Bay System. NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Grant. ~$10.6 million (48 months) (D. Barber PI with 23 others)
  • 2012/01/01 Integrated Watershed Research in the Nechako Basin. Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund.  $500,000 (48 months) (Petticrew PI with 3 others)
  • 2018/01/01 Integrated Watershed Research in the Nechako Basin – Phase 2. Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund. $500,000 (60 months) (P. Owens PI with 3 others)

Landscape Ecology Research

  • 2018/04/01 Impacts of Mine Tailings on Productivity and Metal Uptake in Quesnel Lake NSERC Discovery Grant. $215,000 (60 months). (Petticrew)
  • 2013/04/01 Riverine Salmon-Sediment Interactions and Effects. NSERC Discovery Grant. $200,000 (60 months). (Petticrew)
  • 2012/04/01 Salmon-derived nutrients: The value of spawning salmon stocks for interior habitat sustainability.  BC Real Estate Foundation Partnering Grant.  $17,000 (24 months) (Petticrew)
  • 2012/04/01 Landscape Ecology Research Chair Stipend.  $35,000 per year (Petticrew)

Research Station Infrastructure, Equipment and Outreach Grants

  • 2012/04/01 Landscape Ecology of Large Watersheds. British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund $121,000 and Canada Foundation for Innovation $121,000 (12 months) (Petticrew PI with 2 others)
  • 2012/06/01 Science Town Hall Series. SSHRC - Public Outreach Workshops Grant.  $18,543 for one year (Petticrew PI with 1 other)