Faculty members in the Department of Economics have a wide variety of research interests and are engaged in cutting-edge theoretical advances and policy development in Canada, as well as other countries. Members of the Department of Economics have received research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the International Development Research Centre, Human Resources Development Canada, Status of Women Canada, and BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health. Faculty members have also provided consulting services to the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and Northern Health.
Department Chair
PhD, MSc, BSc
PhD Economics (University of Quebec), MA Statistics and Economics (ENSEA, Côte d’Ivoire), BSc Mathematics (Université de Lomé, Togo)
Research and Expertise
PhD Economics (University of Toronto), MA Economics (Queen's University), BA Economics (University of Manitoba)
Research and Expertise
PhD Development Economics (University of Bonn, Germany), MSc, BA (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)
Research and Expertise
PhD Economics (McMaster University)
Research and Expertise
PhD, MSc - Food, Agricultural, and Resource Economics (University of Guelph); BSc - Economics (University of Victoria)
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Manitoba), MA, BA (University of Shiraz)
Research and Expertise
Professors Emeriti/Emeritae
PhD, MA, BSc
PhD (Dalhousie University); MA (University of Guelph); MA (University of Sussex); BA Hons (University of Guelph)