The tree ring lab includes the following sample preparation and measuring equipment and software:
Sample preparation
- Band saw
- Table sander
- Table router
- Hand belt sander
- Palm sander
- Chop saw
- Table saw
Measuring and analyses
- Windendro system
- Regular scanner
- Large flat-bed scanner
- 2 Velmex systems + trinocular stereoscope with boom stand
- Measure J2X subscription
- Binocular stereoscopes
- Core press
- Winseedle and scanner
- Winrhizo and scanner
Project Initiation
Before using any of the lab facilities, a Project Initiation form must be completed and placed in the Project binder in the lab. The form ensures that the lab use policy has been read, and that appropriate certifications have been obtained (e.g. for use of the table and band saws) before a project begins. It also provides lab coordinators with a record of who is using the lab, and contact information. Questions or concerns can be directed to the following lab coordinators:
Dr. Kathy Lewis
Doug Thompson

The tree ring lab includes the following sample preparation and measuring equipment and software: