Frequently asked questions


What do I need to enrol in a Computer Science course?

Students enrolling in any Computer Science or Mathematics course that has prerequisites are required to complete all prerequisite courses with a C- or better, or have permission to enrol from the Program Chair.

What if I don’t have the Principles of Math 12 prerequisite?

MATH 115 is our Grade 12 Math equivalent and serves as a prerequisite for subsequent Math and CPSC courses if it’s completed with a minimum grade of C-.

Note that BC Introductory Mathematics11, Applications of Mathematics 11 and Applications of Mathematics 12 are not considered as prerequisites for any Computer Science courses as currently taught.

What is the minimum grade required to go on to the next course?

A minimum grade of C- is required for all Math and CPSC courses if it is a prerequisite for a subsequent course.

Transfer students

Can I take courses at a college and transfer them to ÂÜÀòÉäÇø?

Some CPSC courses are equivalent to ÂÜÀòÉäÇø courses, but not all. The equivalent to CPSC 101 and other CPSC courses are not offered at most colleges. Since CPSC 101 is only offered in the Winter semester and is a prerequisite for second year courses, most transfer students cannot take second year CPSC courses in their first year at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. It is also recommended to take a look at the .

If I transfer in with 60 credits, can I graduate in 2 years?

Only if you have taken 2 years of CPSC courses and they all articulate to the first 2 years of the program. The degree is set up on a 4 year plan, each semester being a prerequisite to the next, so if you only have 2 years of electives, you will be here for 4 years. Any deviation from the program will put you back a year.

What if I have received CPSC 1XX or UNSP 1XX for transfer credit?

First, check to see if there is a comment on your transfer credit summary that refers to a combination of courses. If not, then contact your advisor for possible exemptions or articulation of courses.

What if I don't have training in Java programming?

Transfer students without training in Java need to do independent study at the beginning of the term. If you are in this situation, contact one of the Computer Science faculty for advice.

What should I do if I transfer between two academic years?

Students sometimes end up in between two academic years due to the number of credit hours they transfer in with and the number of ÂÜÀòÉäÇø program-specific requirements that they have received credit for. Students are encouraged to contact their advisor if they have any questions regarding how their transfer credit will be applied to their degree, and how this will affect their ability to progress through the program.


Can I take CPSC 110 as an elective or subject requirement?

No. This is a service course for other programs and is not acceptable for the CPSC degree.

Can I take CPSC 150 as an elective or subject requirement?

CPSC 150 is acceptable as an elective only, but is advisable to be taken in the first 2 years of study (taking 1st year courses in your final year does not look good if you’re applying to graduate studies etc).

Majors and minors

What is a minor?

A minor is a secondary field of study requiring some degree of specialization in a subject area, but fewer courses than required for a major. Math, Applied Math, Physics or Management Information Systems (MIS) are good minors to accompany a CPSC major.

Can I double major?

Yes. A student who wishes to graduate with a double major must complete the lower and upper division program requirements for both fields of study. Courses that are included in the requirements for both majors may be counted for both.

What is the difference between a joint major and a double major?

A joint major is a specified combination of two related fields of study, but it does not have all the required courses for both majors. It is intended to be completed in the same amount of time as a single major.

When do I declare my major?

You must declare your major in (or before) the semester that you will complete 30 credit hours of academic work, otherwise a hold will be placed on your file and you won’t be able to register for the following semester. Students who transfer in with 30 or more credit hours must declare a program in their first semester of registration.

Students have to fill out a Declaration of Major form and pass it to be processed by the advisor. However they are encouraged to contact their advisor if they have any questions or concerns regarding their major or the declaration process.

What if I want to change my major? What do I have to do? Does it affect the calendar I’m following?

You must fill out the blue Declaration of Major form again, and check off the square that says ‘Changing major from’, fill in your previous major on the line, then check off your new major and bring to your advisor for signature. You have the option of following the calendar you were admitted under (as long as you are not a Returning student), or move forward to a new calendar.

How do I declare a minor?

Fill out the pink Declaration of Minor form and bring to your advisor.

What if I want to drop a minor?

You must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing. Your application for graduation must match your computer record, and you will be notified if the information is inconsistent.

Co-operative Education

Can I do a Co-op option?

Co-op is an option for CPSC, but you must be careful when you do your co-op terms because of prerequisites.


What do I do to when I’m ready to graduate?

You must fill out an Undergraduate Application for Graduation and pay the accompanying fee. The fee must be paid prior to submission of the form, or it will be returned to you and your application delayed.

When do I apply for graduation?

It is best to apply for graduation as soon as you are registered in your courses for your final year (i.e. April prior to graduating year). This way your initial degree audit can be completed over the summer, and you should know by Fall semester if you are missing anything.

What is a residency requirement?

In order to graduate from ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, students must complete at least 30 upper division credit hours (300 or 400 level) at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. Transfer students with upper division credit or waivers and Letters of Permission will be affected, so contact your advisor.

Study options

Can I take a course at another institution?

Once you are a ÂÜÀòÉäÇø student, you must get a Letter of Permission from ÂÜÀòÉäÇø in order to attend another institution (e.g. summer courses). You must be in good academic and financial standing (i.e. not on probation and don’t have outstanding fees at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø). Then you must apply to the other institution as a Visiting Student.

What happens if I want to take a year off (or am required to withdraw)?

If you do not register for 3 consecutive semesters (e.g. Fall, Winter, Spring/Summer), you are considered inactive and must re-apply to ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. This means that you must follow the new calendar regulations for the year you are re-admitted (i.e., if there are any changes to the program since you were last here, you must follow them). You must also re-declare your major and/or minor.

Exceptions: if you are registered on a Letter of Permission, Formal Exchange, or Co-op term, your registration is still considered active.