"Readiness in Transition" Webinar Series

The need for economic transition is not a new imperative for our smaller non-metropolitan communities across British Columbia. Since the early 1980s, the post-war natural resource-based economies have been changing, often rapidly and dramatically. The recent set of closure and curtailment announcements in the forestry sector across a host of communities have highlighted that a new round of economic adjustment is unfolding. These announcements not only impact workers and their families, but communities and regional economies. The suddenness of such announcements generates concern and stress, and demands an immediate and carefully thought-out response.

Through five webinars, we share the hard-won experiences and lessons from those who were in various types of leadership roles when an economic crisis occurred in their small community. The speakers all share our commitment to help prepare other communities and leaders with the information they will need should an economic crisis arise during their watch.

The webinars were created and hosted by the Community Development Institute of the University of Northern British Columbia.

Webinar Structure

The structure of each webinar follows the same format. After a brief introduction from Greg Halseth, the first speaker is introduced and has 20 minutes to share key lessons and learnings from their own experience with past economic crises. The second speaker is then introduced, and they have a further 20 minutes to share key lessons and learnings. Greg Halseth then brings the webinar to a close.

Most webinars in the series run for 50 minutes.

We wanted the webinars to be concise and informative. As a result, there were no question and answer sessions. Everyone is more than busy with their day-to-day tasks, and we wanted to stay focussed on communicating as much as possible in this brief time. Each presenter has generously provided contact and / or website information at the close of their presentation.

Webinars and Links

Monday, March 6, 2023

Municipal Administrative Responses with Ron Poole, retired municipal Chief Administrative Officer

Ron Poole_Municipal Administrative Responses

Community Economic Transition Toolkitwith Greg Halseth, Professor at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø

Greg Halseth_Community Transition Toolkit

CDI-Community Transition Toolkit


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Economic and Business Responses: Opportunities and Change with Vince Prince, Executive Director of Prince George Aboriginal Business Development Centre


Monday, March 13, 2023

Municipal Administrative Responses with Warren Waycheshen, Chief Administrative Officer for Kitimat

Warren Waycheshen_Municipal Administrative Responses

Navigating Unexpected Job Loss with Joanne Doddridge, Director of Economic Development and Planning for 100 Mile House

Joanne Doddridge_Navigating Unexpected Job Loss


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Service Provision in Challenging Circumstances with Neil Hanlon and Martha McLeod, Professors at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø

Neil Hanlon and Martha McLeod_Service Provision in Challenging Circumstances

Impacts of Worker Mobility with Laura Ryser, Research Manager and Instructor at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, Greg Halseth, Professor at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø; and Sean Markey, Professor at SFU

Ryser_Halseth_Markey_Impacts of Worker Mobility


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Community Transition with Kathleen Van Ekris and Mark Von der Gonna, Province of BC Transition Team

BC_Regional Economic Operations and Community Transition Services

Leadership with Stephanie Killam, retired Mayor of Mackenzie