The Anthropology Program offers a major and minor in Anthropology, a BA Honours in Anthropology, as well as a Joint Major in Anthropology/Geography. The joint major offers minors in GIS, Physical Geography, Human Geography, and Geomorphology. Anthropology also offers a BA Honours-Anthropology.
Minor in Anthropology
The minor in Anthropology provides exposure to the field in general, and permits a student to focus on one of three subdisciplines currently available within the Anthropology Program at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø. The Minor would complement a Major Program in a variety of disciplines, including First Nations Studies, Women's Studies, History, Biology and Environmental Studies.
The Minor requires a total of 21 credit hours (7 courses); 3 lower division courses and 4 upper division courses.
The course choice for lower division under the Archaeology and Biological Anthropology subdisciplines address issues of prerequisites for upper division courses. ANTH 440, 450, 498, 499 may be applied to any of the 3 subdisciplines.
Major in Anthropology
One introductory course, ANTH 102-3 Anthropology: A World of Discovery uses a thematic approach to explore what defines the human species and provides an introduction to the four major subdisciplines within Anthropology. A select few courses are mandatory for the major. Courses in other programs (for example, First Nations Studies, History, English) may be applied toward the major in Anthropology, with the approval of the Anthropology Program Chair.
The total Credits required for a BA in Anthropology is 120 credit hours. Students may enter the program after a first year including Anthropology courses (54 credit hours). Students may not take more than 60 credit hours of Anthropology without permission of the Program Chair.
Joint Anthropology and Geography
The minimum requirements for this joint major is 120 credit hours.
Students are required to gain a breadth of knowledge prior to graduation, accomplished, in part, by requiring that all students successfully complete one course from each of the Arts and Humanities, Social Science, Natural Science, and Physical Science quadrants.
BA Honours
The BA Honours-Anthropology provides a higher level of training and specialization for students planning to proceed to academic and professional postgraduate study. Acceptance into the Anthropology Honours Program is by written application to the Program Chair.