Welcome to ÂÜÀòÉäÇø’s Academic Plan Refresh webpage. Here you will find an overview of the planning process, engagement events and opportunities, and links to important documents and resources.
What is an Academic Plan, and why now?
While ÂÜÀòÉäÇø's 2023-2028 strategic plan Ready defines ÂÜÀòÉäÇø’s mission to Ignite, Inspire, and Lead Change, and serves as a guiding framework for the entire University, the academic plan focuses on the educational aspect of the University, including curriculum and pedagogy, enrollment initiatives, academic structure, faculty renewal and development, community engagement, student experience and success, and more.
To align with and complement the actualization of Ready, it is vital to reflect on and refresh ÂÜÀòÉäÇø's 2017 Academic Action Plan. This refresh will ensure relevance and innovation in ÂÜÀòÉäÇø's response to local and global trends in the post-secondary environment.
What currently exists?
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø’s current Academic Action Plan from 2017 can be found here: ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Academic Action Plan 2017 (Full document).
A summary of the goals from the 2017 plan that is being shared to support engagement can be found here: ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Academic Action Plan 2017 (Goals only).
What is our planning process?
The Academic Plan Refresh process is led by the Interim Vice President Academic & Provost, Dr. Bill Owen.
It is through feedback from everyone at the university that ÂÜÀòÉäÇø can shape the future of its academic community. To prepare a refreshed academic plan an Advisory and Working Committee has been established and will facilitate a series of engagement opportunities on campus and online, where your input will be invaluable, and all faculty, staff, and students, are encouraged to share their perspectives. Input will also be sought from alumni, and other relevant interest-holders.
This renewal is occurring alongside the renewal of the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Strategic Research Plan, and both are carried to build upon the overall ÂÜÀòÉäÇø's 2023-2028 strategic plan (Ready). We recognize that multiple engagement processes are taking place concurrently. Where possible, we have worked with other planning teams to avoid overlap and share insight.
What is our timeline?
Our goal is to present a refreshed academic plan to the ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Senate for consideration and approval in the first quarter of 2025.
- Preparation phase (concluded)
- Targeted engagement with interest-holders (concluded)
- Synthesizing data and generating draft plan (concluded)
- Feedback on draft plan from key interest-holders (January 2025, in progress)
- Refinement, completion and endorsement through Senate (March 2025)
- Launch (after April 2025)
Dates are provisional, and subject to change.
How can you engage in the process?
The following schedule of engagement opportunities will be updated over time. Do check back in for the latest information.
Please share your thoughts and ideas. We want to hear from you about what matters. What successes have there been? Where are there opportunities to grow?
Forthcoming events:
Please see event listings below for further information on future engagement activities. We will update these at regular intervals.
In due course there may be additional engagement sessions planned on more specific topics or with particular groups.
There are currently no events to display.
Past events:
For information or to follow up about past events, please contact academicplan@unbc.ca.
- March 14th - Presentation and discussion (Online)
- March 21st - Presentation and discussion (In-person on PG Campus, and Online)
- April 11th - Focused discussion with students (In-person on PG Campus)
- September 24th - Themed discussion: Cultivate Curiosity (In-person on PG campus, and Online)
- September 26th - Themed discussion: Act on Truth & Reconciliation (In-person on PG campus, and Online)
- October 2nd - Themed discussion: Empower Northern Communities (In-person on PG campus, and Online)
- October 3rd - Open discussion (In-person on Peace River-Liard campus)
- October 17th - Themed discussion: Foster Local Solutions for Global Impact (In-person on PG campus, and Online)
- October 18th - Open discussion (In-person on PG campus, and Online)
- November 18th - Open discussion (In-person on South-Central (Quesnel, B.C.) campus)
- November 19th - Open discussion (In-person on Northwest (Terrace and Prince Rupert, B.C.) campus)
- November 20th - Discussion with leadership (In-person with Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a Institute (WWNI))
- February 6th - Open discussion on draft Academic Plan (In-person on PG campus)
- February 7th - Open discussion on draft Academic Plan (Online)
An online survey primarily targeting faculty, staff, and alumni was disseminated during October 2024, asking recipients to evaluate progress against our current academic action plan, and to also highlight strengths, trends, and opportunities in their field.
Beyond the engagement opportunities above, you can always reach out to share ideas, comments, questions, or other feedback at academicplan@unbc.ca.
Advisory and Working Committee
The Advisory and Working Committee is composed of internal academic and student representatives and is responsible for contributing to and steering the academic planning refresh process.
Members include:
- Bill Owen, Interim Vice-President Academic and Provost (Committee Chair).
- Shendah Benoit, Assistant Professor – School of Education.
- Heidi Dodenberg, Sr. Lab Instructor – School of Nursing.
- Clarence Hofsink, Sr. Lab Instructor – Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Nicola Koper, Dean – Faculty of Environment.
- Bella Mesquita, final year student in Biomedicine
- Kealin McCabe, Research and Learning Services Librarian – ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Library.
- John McNeill, Administrative Manager – Strategic Initiatives & Operations - Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost.
- Kriston Rennie, Dean – Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities.
- Kyle Ross, 2nd yr UG student in Northern and Rural Community Planning
- Katerina Standish, Vice-Provost, Graduate & Post-doctoral Studies - Office of the Provost.
- Todd Whitcombe, Professor and Chair – Chemistry & Biochemistry.