Roy Rea

Rea, Dr. Roy

PhD, Ecology (Norwegian University of Life Sciences - 2014), Doctor Philosophiae Thesis, MSc, Biology (蹤獲扞⑹ - 1999), BSc (California State University, Stanislaus - 1992)

Associate Professor
Prince George


Roy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management in the Faculty of Environment. He is a Registered Professional Biologist with the College of Applied Biologists and an Affiliated Forest Professional with Forest Professionals British Columbia. Roy obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from California State University, Stanislaus in 1992 and a Master of Science, Biology from the University of Northern British Columbia in 1999. In 2014, Roy completed a Doctor Philosophiae in Ecology from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in s, Norway.

Roys research focuses broadly on forest and animal ecology and on human impacts to northern ecosystems. Roy teaches Introductory Biology, Field Applications in Resource Management, Marine Ecology, Animal Physiology, Plant Systems Labs, and is a case-based tutor for Foundations in Medical Practice.

Courses taught

  • in the Northern Medical Program (Year 2)

Research and Expertise

Roys research interests are broad and include plant-animal interactions, moose-human interactions, mitigation of wildlife-vehicle collisions, considerations for critical habitat features in forest management and planning and science education.

Doctor Philosophiae Thesis

Research Fields
  • Biodiversity/Ecology
  • Environment
  • Forestry
  • Transportation Ecology
  • Wildlife
Languages Spoken
  • English
Available to be contacted by the media as a subject matter expert

Selected Publications

Stevenson, S., C. Johnson, L. Finnegan, R. V. Rea. 2025. Winter Diet of Five Sympatric Ungulates in west-central Alberta, Canadainference from DNA metabarcoding of fecal pellets. FACETS 10: 1-13.

Rea, R.V. 2025. Guide Outfitter Module at 蹤獲扞⑹ Forestry Field School Teaches Students to Think more Broad and less board. BC Forest Professional. Winter issue: 8-9. 2025-BCFP-Winter.pdf

McVea, H.M., L.M. Richter, R.C.S. McLatchy, R.V. Rea. 2025. Preparation, articulation and photogrammetry of a neonatal moose (Alces alces) skeleton. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 66:15-19.

Huxter, C.E., R.V. Rea, K.A. Otter, and G. Hesse. 2024. Behaviours of moose at roadside mineral licks in British Columbia: Implications for moose-vehicle collisions. Applied Animal Behavior Science.

Breithaupt, K., R.V. Rea, M.P. Gillingham, D.A. Aitken, D.P. Hodder. 2024. Winter browse selection by moose (Alces alces) in north-central British Columbia: Implications for Silviculture. Forestry

Rea, R.V. 2024. Can thinning operations be used as a form of ungulate-adapted forest management? A review and a primer. BC Forest Professional. Spring issue: 10-11, 21. 2024-BCFP-Spring.pdf (

Johnson, C.J. and R.V. Rea. 2024. Effects of forestry on the ecology of moose: A literature review. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Rea, R.V., and O. Hjeljord. 2023. Considering the Impacts of Brush Management on Moose. BC Forest Professional. Summer issue: 20-21, 25. 2023-BCFP-Summer.pdf (

Koetke, L., D.P. Hodder, R.V. Rea, C.J. Johnson. 2023. Landscape disturbance alters the composition and diversity of diet of a generalist herbivore. Forest Ecology and Management. 530: 1-14. .

Tribe, K. and R.V. Rea. 2023. Novel sampling methodology for identifying presence and absence of aquatic macrophyte species in two lakes in Northern British Columbia, Canada. Natural Areas. 43: 78-82. .

Hyrcha, S., R.V. Rea, R. McClenagan, S. Emmons, and R. Wheate. 2022. Using GPS technology to track Hitchhiker activity in Northern BC. Western Geography. 24: 3-15.

Aujla, B., B., D. Montoya, C. Montoya, R. V. Rea, G. Hesse. 2022. Healthcare Access and Injury Patterns in Patients Following Moose- and Deer-Vehicle Collisions in North-central British Columbia.BC Medical Journal. 64: 292-296. .

Conway, S., R.V. Rea, C. MacPhail, A. Von der Gonna, G. Hesse, and D. Spooner. 2022. Exploratory Analysis of Physical and Emotional Impacts and Use of Emergency and Healthcare Services Following Moose and Deer Vehicle Collisions in North-Central British Columbia. Journal of Transport and Health 24, Article 101333. .

Aitken, D.A., Hatter, I.W., R.V. Rea and K.N. Child. 2021. Vulnerability of yearling bull moose to antler regulations in British Columbia. Alces: 57: 139-166. .

Rea, R.V. , M. Scheideman, G. Hesse, M. Mumma. 2021. The effectiveness of decommissioning roadside mineral licks on reducing moose (Alces alces) activity near highways: implications for moose-vehicle collisions. Canadian Journal of Zoology: 99:1009-1019. .

McNay, K., R. S. McNay, K. Sittler, and R.V. Rea. 2021. Moose use of the Mount McAllister burn in North-central BC: Influence of burn severity and soil moisture. Alces: 57:1-22. .

Carswell, B., R.V. Rea, G.F. Searing, G. Hesse. 2021. Towards building a species-specific risk model for mammal-aircraft strikes. Journal of Airport Management. 15:288-303. .

Chisholm, J. D. Hodder, S. Crowley, R.V. Rea, S. Marshall. 2021. Seasonal Movements of Migratory and Resident Female Moose (Alces alces) in North-Central British Columbia, Canada. Mammal Research. 66:419-427. .

Thompson, M.D., M.G. Bolek, R.V. Rea. 2021. Calliphorid Parasitism Causing Myiasis in Amphibians: A New Record for Anaxyrus boreas (Western Toad) in British Columbia, Canada. Herpetological Review. 52:303-307.

Carswell, B., R.V. Rea, D. Rusch, C.J. Johnson. 2021. The influence of the root diseases Armillaria solidipes and Inonotus sulphurascens on the distribution of mule deer during winter. Forestry. 94:492-501. .

Brochez, C.B., R.V. Rea, S. Crowley and D.P Hodder. 2021. Patterns of mineral lick use by ungulates: implications for forest management. Canadian Field Naturalist. 134: 361-374. .

Rea, R.V., and C.E. Huxter. 2020. Late-autumn record of Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) in north-central British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist. 134:248251. .

Rea, R.V., D.P. Hodder, W.E. Faber. 2020. Bark Stripping by Moose: Just Another Reason to Leave Mature Aspen Standing. BC Forest Professional. 27:10-11.

Sample, C., R.V. Rea, G. Hesse. 2020. Tracking moose- and deer-vehicle collisions in British Columbia using GPS and landmark inventory systems. Alces 56:49-61. .

Jensen, W.F., R.V. Rea, C. E. Penner, J. R. Smith, E. V. Bragina, E. Razenkova, L. Balciauskas, H. Bao, S. Bystiansky, S. Cs獺nyi; Z. Chovanova, G. Done, K. Hackl瓣nder, M. Heurich, G. Jiang, A. Kazarez, J. Pusenius, E. J. Solberg, R. Veeroja, and F. Widemo. 2020. A review of circumpolar moose populations with emphasis on Eurasian moose distributions and densities. Alces 56:63-78. .

Jasiska K. D., Bijak S., Child K. N., Rea R.V. 2020. Temporal patterns of moosetrain collisions in British Columbia implications for mitigation. Sylwan 164:32-40. DOI: .

Rea, R.V., L. Ajala, D.A. Aitken, K.N. Child, N. Thompson, and D.P. Hodder. 2019. Scat analysis as a preliminary assessment of moose calf consumption by bears in north-central British Columbia. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 42:369-377. DOI: .

Rea, R.V., C.J. Johnson, D.A. Aitken, K.N. Child, and G. Hesse. 2018. Dash Cam videos on YouTube offer insights into factors related to moose-vehicle collisions. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 118:207-213.

Rea, R.V. 2017. Use of fine-textured, mineral-rich soils by a Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) in north-central British Columbia. American Midland Naturalist. 178:290-297. .

Scheideman, M.C., R.V. Rea, G. Hesse, L. Soong, C.J. Green, C. Sample, and A. Booth. 2017. Use of wildlife camera traps to aid in wildlife management planning at airports. Journal of Airport Management. 11:408-419.

Rea, R.V., O. Hjeljord and P. Langen. 2017. Conifer diet choices made by Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) of north central British Columbia during a cafeteria-style feeding trial. Northwest Science. 91:90-99. .

Rea, R.V., K.N. Child, D.A. Aitken. 2017. Seeing the forests for their hoofage and stumpage values. BC Forest Professional. 24:18-19.

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