2025 Privacy Impact Assessments

Department  Initiative Lead  Contact Email 
Office of the Registrar  University Registrar  Kimberly.Read@unbc.ca

PIA Description

ÂÜÀòÉäÇø has engaged with Jennings International Education & Leadership Training, the Consultant, to assist in developing a Global Engagement Strategic Plan, which is mandated by the BC government. The Consultant will run surveys, engagement sessions, and review enrolment patterns to help inform the plan. 

Information Collected or Created Reason for Collection or Creation  FOIPPA Authorization 
Deidentified enrolment data To help inform the development of the plan by analyzing historic enrolment patterns.  Section 26(c)
Survey answers about current ÂÜÀòÉäÇø supports  To help inform the development of the plan by analyzing interested party feedback.  Section 26(c)
Survey answers about desired ÂÜÀòÉäÇø supports To help inform the development of the plan by analyzing interested party feedback. Section 26(c)
Survey answers about ÂÜÀòÉäÇø affiliation  To help inform the development of the plan by analyzing interested party feedback. Section 26(c)
Users How information is used  FOIPPA Authorization 
Office of the Registrar employees  To work with the Consultant on the development of the plan.  Section 32(a)
Disclosure of Personal Information Information will be disclosed to the Consultant so that they can assist ÂÜÀòÉäÇø in the development of the plan. 
Storage of Personal Information  Information will be stored on ÂÜÀòÉäÇø managed infrastructure. 
Personal Information Bank (PIB)  This initiative does not result in a personal information bank. 
Common or Integrated Initiative No, as required by section 69(5.4) of FOIPPA and defined in Schedule 1: Definitions.         
Accuracy and Correction  Follow this link for information on how to request a correction of your personal information.

Collection Notice 

ÂÜÀòÉäÇø is creating a Global Engagement: Ready for Student Success strategic plan that will support the future direction and growth of internationalization at the University. As part of this plan’s development, we are gathering important information from interest-holders specifically about student success, which will be evaluated to inform this Plan and guide student-focussed internationalization over the next 4 years and beyond. In the spirit of our motto, 'En Cha Huná, which reminds us that all people have a voice and viewpoint, we value your voice. Depending on your affiliation with ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, this survey is up to 12 main questions. It is one of a number of interest-holder engagement opportunities. Please visit this website for more information.                                                                                            

ÂÜÀòÉäÇø is authorized to collect this information under sections 26(c) and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. You can direct any questions about the collection of your information to amy.beyer@unbc.ca.