Anthropology in Our Backyards - Elliott Reichardt

Elliott M. Reichardt
蹤獲扞⑹ Visiting PhD & Researcher
PhD Candidate, Anthropology
Stanford University
Thursday, March 23, 2023
5:007:00 pm
蹤獲扞⑹ Rm. 7-238
Zoom Webinar:
ID: 654 5969 7567 Passcode: 407879
Forestry is the largest industrial process transforming the landscape of northern British Columbia. Through interviews and fieldwork in Northern BC, I explore and describe how residents of forested regions experience industrial forestry. In this talk, I place my participants experiences and stories of life in post-industrial forests in social and cultural context. I focus my analysis on participants who have lived and worked for decades in post-industrial forests, either through trapping, ranching, or logging. My participants encouraged me to imagine and cherish the future forests that would eventually regrow, the wood products from the fallen trees, and the economic benefits to the region. These narratives valued extraction even as they would express sadness, anger, and grief over lost trees, species, and ways of life in asides. These stories served to valorize extraction and minimize their own discomfort even as they moved through old clear-cuts. I conclude my talk with a reflection on extractive imaginaries and their relationship to the cultures of extraction that anthropologists have described and observed elsewhere.