Anthropology in Our Backyards

Dr. Shauna LaTosky
Dept. of Anthropology, ÂÜÀòÉäÇø
Thurs. March 9th, 2023 7:00-9:00pm
ÂÜÀòÉäÇø Rm. 7-150 or
Zoom Webinar:
Webinar passcode: 283936
In Southern Ethiopia, large-scale development has been fraught with controversy since it began in 2012. Drawing on evidence from nearly two decades of anthropological research with Mursi (Mun), indigenous cattle herders and horticulturists, Dr. LaTosky addresses some of the unprecedented changes that have taken place in the span of just a decade. In particular, she focuses on Mursi women’s experiences of development-induced changes to help show how they have served the needs and interests of the Ethiopian State, rather than those of the Mursi. While hydro-electric dams and sugar cane plantations promised to bring improvements, such commercial interests have only paid lip-service to improving the health and well-being of the Mursi.