Paradise Threatened: The Human Face of Resource Extraction and Climate Change in Fiji

Global Friday Poster - January 17, 2020

Global Friday Presents
Dr. Tristan Pearce
Associate Professor, Department of Global & International Studies
Canada Research Chair in Cumulative Impacts of Environmental Change
University of Northern British Columbia

ABSTRACT:  Environmental impact assessments (EIA) are intended to ensure that the likely impacts of proposed developments are fully understood and considered before such developments are allowed to proceed. This, however, doesn't always happen, leaving some environments and the people who depend on them for their lives and livelihoods, susceptible to the negative impacts of resource extraction. This is the case with the Sigatoka River located on the south of Viti Levu, Fiji's largest island, where Fijians are faced with proposed iron ore mining that would change the river and their livelihoods forever. At the invitation of local villages and with Provincial Council representatives, we used public participation geographic information system methods to map Fijian uses and values of the Sigatoka River estuary and threats to these values. Our findings document the human face of the river and how proposed iron ore mining is incongruent with Fijian lives, livelihoods and environmental values.

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Global Friday gratefully acknowledges funding from the Dean of CASHS.