Supervisor Fundamentals Certificate Program

The Supervisor Fundamentals Certificate provides supervisors, managers, or any type of team leader, strategies for increasing workplace effectiveness. The program includes contemporary methods of managing your workplace to ensure your employees and operations thrive.
Courses are delivered virtually and introduce you to performance enhancement models to increase your effectiveness and the effectiveness of others around you. Soon you will have the tools to better understand yourself as a leader and advance the skills of your employees.
Course Topics (follow the links provided to learn more or register for your chosen course)
- Coaching Approach for Supervisors​
- Respectful Communications
- Planning, Making Decisions and Problem Solving​
- Hiring Right, Right from the Start​
- Navigating Conflict​
Please note: Participants wanting to complete the Supervisor Fundamentals Certificate must register for each individual course and complete all 10 courses to receive their desired accreditation.
For non-certificate seekers, you have the option to attend any course you choose. To register, or learn more about your course options, visit the course links provided above.