Physics (BSc Program)

Ahmed Hussein, Professor Emeritus
Mark Shegelski, Professor Emeritus

Erik Jensen, Professor and Chair
Ian Hartley, Professor
Elie Korkmaz, Professor
Matthew Reid, Professor
Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Assistant Professor
George Jones, Senior Lab Instructor


Major in Physics (BSc)
Major in Physics (BSc Honours)
Joint Major in Chemistry and Physics (BSc)
Joint Major in Computer Science and Physics (BSc)
Joint Major in Mathematics and Physics (BSc)
Minor in Physics

Physics is the study of nature at its most fundamental level. As such it is the science upon whose principles all other sciences and technologies are based. Because it is so basic, a major in physics is ideal preparation, not only for further study in physics, but also for advanced study in such diverse fields as biophysics, medicine, astrophysics, chemical physics, engineering, meteorology, and computer science. 

Major in Physics

A major in Physics requires students to complete 58 credit hours of Physics; 36 credit hours of these must be at the upper-division level.

The minimum requirement for completion of a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Physics is 120 credit hours.

Program Requirements

Lower-Division Requirement

100 Level

General Chemistry I
Computer Programming I
     or Introduction to Computer Systems and Programming
Calculus I
Calculus II
Introductory Physics I: Mechanics
Introductory Physics II: Waves and Electricity

200 Level

Multivariable Calculus I
Multivariable Calculus II
Linear Algebra
Ordinary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
Thermal Physics
Electromagnetism and Optics
Modern Physics I
Modern Physics II

Upper-Division Requirement

300 Level

Introduction to Complex Analysis
Intermediate Differential Equations
Classical Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics I
Classic Electromagnetism I
Advanced Physics Laboratory

400 Level

Quantum Mechanics II
Seminar on Contemporary Topics in Physics
Solid State Physics
Statistical Mechanics
Classic Electromagnetism II

Nine additional credit hours of Physics at the 300 or 400 level.

Electives and Academic Breadth
Elective credit hours must be taken as necessary to ensure completion of a minimum of 120 credit hours including any additional credit hours necessary to meet the Academic Breadth requirement of the University (see Academic Regulation on Academic Breadth).

Recommended electives include:

General Chemistry II
Physical Chemistry I
Computer Programming II
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers

BSc Honours - Physics

The Honours Program in Physics offers students a higher level of physics education and physics research experience for proceeding to postgraduate studies in physics or related fields. Honours students must complete the program requirements for the BSc degree in Physics (Major in Physics). In addition, they must complete for a minimum of 3 credit hours and submit for approval an undergraduate thesis or research project report under the supervision of a faculty member.

Students can seek entry to the Honours program after the completion of 60 credit hours with a Cumulative GPA of at least 3.33, and their continuance in the program also requires maintaining a Cumulative GPA of 3.33 or better.  Entry to the Honours Program is at the discretion of the Physics Department. 

Joint Major in Chemistry and Physics (BSc)

See Calendar entry under Chemistry.

Joint Major in Computer Science and Physics (BSc)

See Calendar entry under Computer Science.

Joint Major in Mathematics and Physics (BSc)

See Calendar entry under Mathematics.

Minor in Physics

Students interested in obtaining a minor in Physics must complete 27 credit hours of Physics, of which 12 must be at the upper level.

A maximum of four courses (consisting of two 100 level courses plus two courses at the 200 level or beyond to a maximum of 15 credit hours) which are used to fulfill requirements for a major (or another minor) may also be used to fulfill requirements for a minor in Physics. 

The following courses are required:

Introductory Physics I: Mechanics
Introductory Physics II: Waves and Electricity
Electromagnetism and Optics
Modern Physics I

Twelve credit hours of 300 or 400 level PHYS.

The upper-division courses are selected in consultation with an advisor from the Physics Department to reflect the student’s specific interests. 

Updated: January 6, 2025