Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Application Deadlines

Non-Competitive Entry Programs

Meeting the listed admission requirements and the minimum average needed to apply guarantees admission to a non-competitive entry program. The admission average is calculated using English 12 or English First Peoples 12 (or student's local equivalent), and the next three highest Academic Grade 12 courses with an additional Grade 12 class (which can be an elective or an additional Academic Grade 12 - whichever is highest). Upon application, students apply with self-declared grades as final Grade 12 grades may not yet be available. Self-declared grades will be used for awards consideration if awards application deadlines are met. Students will be given a 5% margin in awards consideration (e.g. award recipients declaring an 85% average will still receive their award if their final average is 80%).

Students can be admitted to their program without the courses listed under High School courses required for degree completion but will be required to take adjusted first-year schedules to account for missing prerequisites. This could lead to prolonged degree completion timelines. In the event that 蹤獲扞⑹ does not offer a course equivalent to the required prerequisite, students are responsible for seeking and completing outside coursework to continue their 蹤獲扞⑹ studies.


65% average required among the following five courses:

  • English Studies 12 or English First Peoples 12
  • Three approved Academic Grade 12 courses
  • One additional Grade 12 course (Academic or Elective, whichever has the highest grade)
Major High School courses required for
Clear Admission
Anthropology ---
Economics Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
English ---
Environmental and Sustainability Studies ---
First Nations Studies ---
General Arts ---
Geography ---
Global and International Studies ---
History ---
Nature-Based Tourism Management ---
Northern Studies ---
Political Science ---
Public Administration and Community Development ---
Women's Studies ---

*An alternative 蹤獲扞⑹ prerequisite is offered - please contact futurestudents@unbc.ca to learn more.


65% average required among the following five courses:

  • English Studies 12 or English First Peoples 12
  • Three approved Academic Grade 12 courses
  • One additional Grade 12 course (Academic or Elective, whichever has the highest grade)
Major High School courses required for
Clear Admission
Accounting Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
Finance Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
General Business Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
Human Resources Management Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
International Business Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
Management Information Systems Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
Marketing Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)

*An alternative 蹤獲扞⑹ prerequisite is offered - please contact futurestudents@unbc.ca to learn more.


65% average required among the following five courses:

  • English Studies 12 or English First Peoples 12
  • Three approved Academic Grade 12 courses
  • One additional Grade 12 course (Academic or Elective, whichever has the highest grade)
Major High School courses required for
Clear Admission
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (67%), Physics 11*
Biology Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
Chemistry Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (67%), Physics 11*
Computer Science Pre-Calculus 12* (67%)
Conservation Science and Practice - Landscape Conservation and Management Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
Conservation Science and Practice - Wildland Conservation and Recreation Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12*
Environmental Science Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (67%), Physics 11*
Forest Ecology and Management Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)
Geography Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (60%), Physics 11*
Integrated Science Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (60%), Physics 11*
Mathematics Pre-Calculus 12* (67%)
Physics Physics 12*, Pre-Calculus 12* (67%)
Psychology ---
Wildlife and Fisheries Life Sciences 11 or Anatomy and Physiology 12, Pre-Calculus 12* (60%)

*An alternative 蹤獲扞⑹ prerequisite is offered - please contact futurestudents@unbc.ca to learn more.


65% average required among the following five courses:

  • English Studies 12 or English First Peoples 12
  • Three approved Academic Grade 12 courses
  • One additional Grade 12 course (Academic or Elective, whichever has the highest grade)
Major High School courses required for
Clear Admission
First Nations Planning ---
Natural Resources Planning ---
Northern and Rural Community Planning ---

Competitive Entry Programs

Meeting the minimum average and course requirements for a competitive entry program does not guarantee admission, as space is limited in each program. A competitive average is established yearly based on that years applicant pool. Students above the established average may be offered early provisional admission. After the application deadline, students are admitted on a rolling basis as seats are accepted or declined. Deadlines may be extended based on capacity.

Applied Science

75% average required among the following five courses:

  • English Studies 12 or English First Peoples 12
  • Pre-Calculus 12*
  • Two Approved Academic Science 12 courses
  • One additional Grade 12 course (Academic or Elective, whichever has the highest grade)
  • Chemistry 11 (Joint 蹤獲扞⑹/UBC Environmental Engineering only - not used in admission average calculation but must be completed)
Major High School courses required for recommended first year schedule

Civil Engineering


Pre-Calculus 12 (67%), Physics 12*, Chemistry 12
(recommended due to related first year course content)

Environmental Engineering


Pre-Calculus 12 (67%), Physics 12*, Chemistry 12
(recommended due to related first year course content)

Environmental Engineering

(Joint 蹤獲扞⑹/UBC)

Pre-Calculus 12, Physics 12*, Chemistry 12
(recommended due to related first year course content)

*An alternative 蹤獲扞⑹ prerequisite is offered - please contact futurestudents@unbc.ca to learn more.

Health Sciences

70% average required among the following courses:

  • English Studies 12 or English First Peoples 12 (70% minimum)
  • Anatomy & Physiology 12 (70% minimum)
  • Two additional Approved Academic Grade 12 courses
  • One additional Grade 12 course (Academic or Elective, whichever has the highest grade)
  • Chemistry 11 (70% minimum)
  • Pre-Calculus 11 (70% minimum)
Major High School courses required for recommended first year schedule
Biomedical Studies Pre-Calculus 12*
Community and Population Health:
Aboriginal and Rural Health
Pre-Calculus 12*
Community and Population Health:
Environmental Health
Pre-Calculus 12*

*An alternative 蹤獲扞⑹ prerequisite is offered - please contact futurestudents@unbc.ca to learn more.


Note: this Nursing program is direct-entry (no prior post-secondary required). For the 2-year, five-semester, prior post-secondary required Nursing route, please see the Northern Baccalaureate Nursing Program.

70% average required among the following courses:

  • English Studies 12 or English First Peoples 12 (70% minimum)
  • Anatomy & Physiology 12 (73% minimum, completed within 5 years of acceptance)
  • Two other Approved Academic Grade 12 courses
  • One additional Grade 12 course (Academic or Elective, whichever has the highest grade)
  • Chemistry 11 (70% minimum)
  • Pre-Calculus 11 or Foundations of Math 11 (70% minimum)

To apply to Nursing, please contact our partner institutions:

  • Prince George and Quesnel: 
  • Terrace: 

Post-Secondary Required Programs

University credit for the following programs must be from an accredited institution. All transfer credit and GPA calculations will be assessed upon application to the University.


Specialization Admission Requirements Minimum 蹤獲扞⑹ GPA Requirement
Elementary 3- or 4-year degree OR 90 credit hours of university coursework, all including min. 60 credit hours in Arts, Sciences, or BC Schools teachable fields. 2.33 GPA
(C+ Average)
Secondary 4-year degree with min. 24 credit hours in English, Social Studies, or Mathematics. 2.33 GPA
(C+ Average)

Additional Information: Must provide references and additional non-academic supplementary application. Please visit the Education website for more information

Northern Baccalaureate Nursing Program

Note: Prior post-secondary study is required before students can apply to the Northern Baccalaureate Nursing Program. For direct-entry Nursing (no prior post-secondary required), please see the Northern Collaborative Baccalaureate Nursing Program

Specialization Admission Requirements Minimum 蹤獲扞⑹ GPA Requirement
Nursing (Northern Baccalaureate Nursing Program) 60 credits of university-transferable coursework including 24 credits of required prerequisites (min. B-) and at least 24 credits transferable to 蹤獲扞⑹ at 200-level or above. 3.00 GPA
(B Average)
from most recent 60 credit hours of transferable study

Additional Information: Must provide Rural/Remote Suitability Index, CASPer score, resume, statement of intent, and two references. Please visit the Nursing website for more information

Social Work

Specialization Admission Requirements Minimum 蹤獲扞⑹ GPA Requirement
Child Welfare Specialization 60 credit hours of university-transferable coursework including:
  • FNST 100
  • WMST 100
  • SOCW 200
  • SOCW 201
    or equivalent
  • 42 additional credit hours of liberal arts and/or science courses.
  • 6 additional credit hours of university transferable coursework from any discipline.
2.67 GPA
(B- Average)
First Nations Specialization 2.67 GPA
(B- Average)

Additional Information: Must provide references and additional non-academic supplementary application. Please visit the Social Work website for more information