Dr. Angèle Smith
Associate Professor
Anthropology Program
As part of the larger project "Articulating Place and Identity: Social and Spatial Exclusion/Inclusion of Asylum Seekers in Ireland" this research maps the location of the State controlled asylum seeker Direct Provision Accommodation Centres across Ireland. This spatial survey of the centres represents varying scales: nationally, regionally, locally within towns and cities, and for those centres where in-depth on-site study was conducted, at the more fine-grained scale of the spatial layout of the living spaces of the centre itself. Understanding the physical spatiality enables analysis of the social relations and networks that the spatial organization affords the asylum seekers.
Click here to access research, data, and maps (.zip)
Work produced by Angèle Smith and spatial data by ÂÜÀòÉäÇø GIS Lab (Mark Stephens, Scott Emmons) For more information contact Principal Investigator, Angèle Smith, Anthropology, ÂÜÀòÉäÇø: angele.smith@unbc.ca