International Admission Requirements for Graduate Studies

Entry into graduate programs is competitive. Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee entry.

English Language Proficiency Admission Requirements

English Language Proficiency Testing Exemptions by Country

Degree and Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement

To gain admission to a graduate program at ÂÜÀòÉäÇø, an applicant must have an approved credential and meet a minimum level of academic performance. Entry into our graduate programs is competitive and meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee entry. Our guide below outlines the minimum credential and required grades for admission consideration.

Starting with the May (Spring) and September (Fall) 2023 admission intakes, we assess admissibility based on an international applicant's cumulative GPA in the degree we use to assess admissibility. Most institutions will include a cumulative GPA on the transcript. For those that do not, we will calculate the cumulative GPA for the entire degree. We do not convert to a ÂÜÀòÉäÇø grade scale (4.33). Rather, applicants are assessed based on the grading system of their institution.

How can I determine if I am eligible to apply for admission?

  • Start by reviewing the degree requirements listed for your country below and the requirements for the program you are applying to attend. Pay particular attention to the program requirements. Some programs require a specific degree.
  • Review the minimum required grade for your country. ÂÜÀòÉäÇø will be assessing your transcript to determine if you meet the requirement for admission and we do not pre-assess applicant transcripts prior to applying. However, you should be able to get a general sense of whether or not you will meet minimum requirements to be considered for admission by reviewing this guide. It is important to remember that graduate admissions is highly competitive and meeting the grade minimum is not a guarantee of application consideration or admission.
  • On your transcript for the degree required to be considered for admission, find your cumulative GPA. If you do not have a cumulative GPA reported on your transcript, you can calculate this yourself by adding up all your grades (weighted) and dividing by total credits or your individual semester GPAs (weighted) and averaging.
  • Your minimum credential and cumulative GPA must meet or exceed the minimum or your application will not be considered for admission and will be closed for not meeting general admission requirements.

International Graduate Admission Requirements by Country

If your country is not listed, or you have further questions, please email The list below includes the most common grading scales in the country and individual institution grading scales are not included.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Country Minimum credential Minimum required grades
Afghanistan 4 Year Bachelor's Degree; Licence 80%
Albania 4 Year Bachelor's Degree; Diplome Universitaire with Titullo 8 on a 10 point scale or
4 on a 5 point scale
Algeria Licence or Diplome 14 on a 20 point scale
Angola Licenciatura 14 on a 20 point scale
Antigua and Barbuda No Post Secondary degree level institutions  
Argentina Licenciado/Titulo 8 on a 10 point scale; Distinguido
Armenia 5 year Bachelor's (Specialist Diploma) 
For Entry into PhD Degree - Candidat Nauk (Candidate of Sciences); Gitutiunneri Teknatsu (Candidate of Sciences)
4 on a 5 point scale
Australia 4 year Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division or Distinction
Austria Bachelor Degree, Diplomstudim/Magister, Fachhochschuldiplom 2; Gut
Azerbaijan Masters Degree -  4 year Bachelor's Degree (Bakalavr) or Diploma Specialist
For Entry into PhD Degree - Magistr (post -1997)l equivalent to Master's), Kandidat Nauk (equivalent to PhD, prior to 1991)
4 on a 5 point scale or Good
4.3 on a 5 point scale
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Bahamas Bachelor's Degree Second Class Upper Division
Bahrain Bachelor's Degree 3 on a 4 point scale
Bangladesh 4 year Bachelor's;  Masters degree Mid B Equivalent: First Class
Barbados Bachelor's Degree Second Class Upper Division (60%); 3 on a 4 point scale
Belarus Bachelor's Degree (Bakalavr); Diplom ob Okanchanii Vysshego Uchebnogo Zaredeniia (Specialist Diploma) 7 on a 10 point scale or 4 on a 5 point scale
Belgium Ingeneur; Licencie; Licenciaat or Kandidaat/Candidat 8 on a 10 point scale; 80%; Grande Distinction
Belize Bachelor's Degree B; Second Class Upper Division
Benin Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale; Bien
Bermunda No Post Secondary Degree level studies  
Bhutan Bachelor's Degree (Honours) B; Very Good; 70% 
Bolivia Titulo de Bachiller Universitario; Licenciatura 77%; Distinguido
Bosnia & Herzegovina Bachelor's Degree (Diplomirani); Advanced Diploma of Higher Education (Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja) 4 on a 5 point scale
Botswana Bachelor's Degree Second Class Upper Division
Brazil Bacharelado ( minimum 4 year); Licenciado ( minimum 4 years)
For Entry into PhD - Mestrado/Mestre 
8 on a 10 point scale
8 on a 10 point scale
Brunei Bachelor's Degree Second Class Upper Division;B; 3.5 on a 5 point scale
Bulgaria Bachelor's Degree 4.5 on a 5 point scale
Burkina Faso Matrise/Diplome d'Ingenieur 14 on a 20 point scale; Bien (Good)
Burundi Diplome de Licence; Diplome d'Ingenieur ( minimum 4 year) 70%; Grande Distinction
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Cambodia Bachelor's Degree; Licence 70%; B; 3 on a 4 point Scale
Cameroon Diplome d'Ingenieur, Diplome de Professeur d'Enseignment Secondaire or Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale
Cape Verde Licenciatura 14 on a 20 point scale
Cayman Islands Bachelor's Degree B; 3 on a 4 point scale
Central African Republic Maitrise; Diplime d'Ingenieur 14 on a 20 point scale
Chad Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale; Bien; Good
Chile Licenciatura; Titulo Profesional
For Entry into PhD - Magister
5 on a 7 point scale; Bueno;Good
5.8 on a 7 point scale (approx B+)
China 4 year Bachelor;s Degree B; 80%
Colombia Licenciado; Titulo de (Subject) 3.5 on a 5 point scale; Good
Congo Diplome d' Etudes Superieures; Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale; Bien
Costa Rica Licenciado; Bachiller/Bachillerto Universitaro
For Entry into PhD - Maestria
80%; 8 on a 10 point scale; Very Good
80%; 8 on a 10 point scale; Very Good
Croatia Bachelor's Degree - Baccalaureus; Post Graduate Specialist Diploma (Diploma Specijalist) 4 on a 5 point scale
Cuba Titilo de Licenciado; Titulo de Ingeniero; Titulo de Doctor; Titulo de Arquite cto
For Entry into PhD - Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias, Maestria 
4 on a 5 point scale; 80%
4 on a 5 point scale; 80%
Cyprus Bachelor's Degree 7 on a 10 point scale
Czech Republic Bachelor's Degree (Bakalar) B; 1. 5 on a 4 point scale; Velmi dobre
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Denmark Candidatus
Diplomingenior; Bachelor's Degree
8 on a 13 scale (old scale); 7 on a 12 point scale(new)
10 on a 13 point scale (old scale); 10 on a 12 point scale (new)
Djibouti Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale; Bien
Dominica No post-secondary degree level studies  
Dominican Republic Licenciado/Professional Title B; 80%; Muy Bueno
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Ecuador Titulo de (subject area); Titulo de Licenciado B; 8 on a 10 point Scale; 30 on a 40 point scale
Egypt Bachelor's Degree B; 80 %; Very Good
El Salvador Licenencuado en (subject); Titulo de (subject) 8 on a 10 point scale
England Bachelor's Degree Upper Second Class; 60%
Eritrea 4 year Bachelor's Degree  B; 3 on a 4 point scale
Estonia Bachelor's Degree (Bakalaureusekraad); Professional Higher Education Diploma (Rakenduskorgharidusoppe Diplom) B: 4 on a 5 point scale;  Vaga Hea
Ethiopia Doctor of (medical subject); 4 year Bachelor's Degree B; 3 on a 4 point scale
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Fiji 3 year Bachelor's Degree B+
Finland Kandidat; Bachelor's Degree; Professional Title 3.5 on a 5 point scale;
France Licence; Maitrise ( until 2009) 14 on a 20 point scale
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Gabon Maitrise Bien
Gambia Bachelor's Degree B; 3 on a 4.3 scale
Georgia Bakalavris Akademiuri Kharishi; Diplomirebuli Specialisti; Diplomi Tsarchinebit (Diploma of Specialist)
For Entry into PhD - Magistris Akademiuri Khariskhi or Diplomi Tsarchinebit
B; 4 on a 5 point scale
B; 4 on a 5 point scale
Germany Magister Artium/Diplom; Staateseamen; Bachelor's Degree 2.5; Gut
Ghana Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division (meets weighted B average)
Gibraltar No Post Secondary Degree Level Institutions   
Greece Ptychion 7 on a 10 point scale
Greenland Candidatus
 Bachelor or Diplomingenior
8 on a 13 point scale
10 on a 13 point scale
Guatamala Licenciado en (subject); Titulo de (subject); Ingeniero 80%
Guinea Diplome d'Etudes Superieures; Matrise; Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies 14 on a 20 point scale; 
Guyana Bachelor Degree Pass with Distinction; 4 on a 5 point scale
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Haiti Bachelors Degree; Diplome; Licence 70%
Holy See Very Specific Ecclesiastical education not normally recgonized outside of those fields ( Baccalaureate)  
Honduras Licenciado; Titulo B; 3 on a 4 point scale
Hong Kong Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Honours, Upper Division
Hungary Egyetemi Oklevel  4 on a 5 point scale
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Iceland Candidatus Mag  7.50 on  a 10 point scale
India 4 yr Bachelor's degree 
3 yr Bachelor's degree - awarding institute must be accredited by India's National Assessment and Accreditation Council
(NAAC) with a grade of A or better
First Class; Division 1; B
Indonesia Bachelor's Degree (Sarjana I) 3 on a 4 point scale; B
Iran Professional Doctorate; Bachelor's Degree (Licence or Karshenasi) 14 on a 20 point scale; 80%
Iraq Bachelor's Degree B; 70%
Ireland Bachelor's Degree  Second Class Honours
Israel 4 yr Bachelor's Degree B; 75%
Italy Laurea 25 on a 30 point scale
Ivory Coast Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale
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Jamaica Bachelor's Degree
For Entry into PhD: Masters Degree
Second Class Upper Division
Second Class Upper Division
Japan Bachelor's Degree (Gakushi) 3 on a 4 point scale; B
Jordan Bachelor's Degree 3 on a 4 point scale; B
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Kazakhstan Bakalavr (4 years of study); Specialist Diploma
For Entry into PhD: Kandidat Kauk (Candidate of Sciences)
3 on a 4 point scale; B 
4 on a 5 point scale (before 2005)
4 on a 5 point scale
Kenya Bachelor's Degree
For Entry into PhD: Master's Degree
Second Class Upper Division
Second Class Upper Division
Kiribati No Post Secondary Degree level Institutions  
Kosovo Bacelor; Baccalaureus 8 on a 10 point scale
Korea Bachelor's Degree 3 on a 4 point scale; 80%
Kuwait 4 year Bachelor's Degree 3 on a 4 point scale; B
Kyrgyzstan Bachelor's Degree (Bakalavr); Specialist Diploma
For Entry into PhD: Kandidat Kauk (Candidate of Sciences)
4 on a 5 point scale; Good
4 on a 5 point scale
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Laos Bachelor's Degree ( 5 years until 2009); Bachelor's Degree (4 years after 2009) 3 on a 4 point scale;B
Latvia Bakalaura Diploms (Bachelor's Degree); Professional Bachelor's Degree; Magistras (pre 2001) 7 on a 10 point scale
Lebanon 4 year Bachelor's (see France for French Patterned Universities) 80%
Lesotho Master's Degee; Bachelor of Law B; 70%
Liberia Master's Degree B; 80%
Libya Bachelor's Degree
For Entry into PhD: Master's Degree
Very Good; 75%
Very Good; 75%
Liechenstein Bachelor's Degree; Diplom (from Fachochschule) 5 on a 6 point scale
Lithuania Bakalauro Diplomas (Bachelor's Degree); Auksjo Mokslo Diplomas 4 on a 5 point scale; 8 on a 10 point scale; 75%
Luxembourg Bachelor's 16 on a 20 point scale; Very Good
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Macau Bachelor's Degree; Licenciatura Second Class Upper Division; 72%; 2.7 on a 4 point scale
Macedonia Bachelor; Visoko Obrazovanja 8 on a 10 point scale
Madagascar Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale
Malawi Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division; 70%; Pass with Marginal Distinction
Malaysia 4 year Bachelor's Degree (Honours)
For Entry into PhD: Master's Degree
Second Class Upper Division
Second Class Upper Division
Maldives Bachelor's Degree 3 on a 4 point scale
Mali Diplome de l'Ecole Normale Superior; Diplome d'etudes Approfondies 14 on a 20 point scale
Malta Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division
Mauritania Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale; Bien
Mauritius Bachelor's Degree Second Class Upper Division; 60%
Mexico Titulo de Licenciado; Titulo (Professional) de (subject area) 8 on a 10 point scale
Moldova Diploma de Licenta 8 on a 10 point scale
Mongolia Bachelor's Degree 3 on a 4 point scale
Montenegro Diploma Primijenjenih Osnovnih Studija; Diploma:Uvjerenje o Zavrsenim Osnovnim Akademskim Studijama B; 9 on a 10 point scale
Morocco Licence 14 on a 20 point scale
Mozambique Licenciatura 17 on a 20 point scale
Myanmar Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division
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Namibia Bachelor's Degree B; 70%
Nepal Bachelor's Degree  First Division; 60%
Netherlands Doctoraal Degree (drs.); Meester; Ingenieur 7.5 on a 10 point scale
New Zealand Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class (Division I)
Nicaragua Licenciado; Titulo de (subject area) 80%
Niger Maitrise 15 on a 20 point scale
Nigeria Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division (meets weighted B average)
Norway Bachelorgrad (Bachelor's Degree); Mastergrad (Master's Degree) 2.5 or Laudabilis; B Very Good
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Oman Bachelor's Degree 3 on a 4 point scale; B; Very Good
Pakistan 4 year Bachelor's Degree; Master's Degree; B.Eng; B.Sc(Eng.); B.Tech; B.Pharm.; M.B.B.S; B.Arch First Class; Division I; 60%; 3 on a 4 point scale
Palestine National Authority 4 year Bachelor's Degree 80%; B: Very Good; 3 on a 4 point scale
Panama Licenciado en (subject area); Titulo de (subject area) 81%; Bueno: B
Papua New Guinea Bachelor's Degree Class II Division A
Paraguay Titulo de Licenciado; Titulo de (professional title) 4 on a 5 point scale
Peru Titulo de Licenciado; Ingeniero
For Entry into PhD: Maestro
14 on a 20 point scale
14 on a 20 point scale
Philippines Completion of both Bachelor's and Masters Degree (Prior to 2013/2014)
4 year Bachelor's (after 2013/14)
1.5 Very Good
1.5 Very Good
Poland Bachelor's Degree; Licencjat; Inzynier Dobry Plus; Better than Good; 4.5 on a 5 point scale
Portugal Licenciado 14 on a 20 point scale
Puerto Rico 4 year Bachelor's Degree B; 80% 3 on a 4 point scale
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Qatar Bachelor's Degree B; Very Good; 80%; 3 on a 4 point scale
Romania Diploma de Licenta (Bachelor's Degree) 8 on a 10 point scale
Russian Federation Bachelor's Degree; Specialist Diploma 4 on a 5 point scale
Rwanda 4 year Bachelor's Degree 80%; Grande Distinction; 14 on a 20 point scale
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Samoa 4 year Bachelor's Degree 65%; B
Saudi Arabia Bachelor's Degree 80%; 4 on a 5 point scale; B: Very Good
Senegal Diplome d'Estudes Superieures; Maitrise 14 on a 20 point scale
Serbia Bachelor's Degree; Diplome Visokog Obrazocanja (second level degree obtained on completion of a four to six year course) 8 on a 10 point scale; very good
Seychelles No Post Secondary Degree Ievel institutions  
Sierra Leone Bachelor's Degree Second Class Upper Division
Singapore 4 year Bachelor's Degree Second Class Upper Division
Slovakia Bakalar; Absolvent Vysokej Skoly; Magister (pre 2003) B; 1.5; 86% 
Slovenia Diplomant; Diplomirani; Univerzitetni Diplomant; Visoko Obrazovanji (pre 2000) 8 on a 10 point scale 
Solomon Islands Bachelor's Degree (from University of the South Pacific) B; 65%
Somalia Laurea; Bachelor's Degree B; 80%
South Africa 4 year Bachelor's Degree Second Class Upper Division
South Korea 4 year Bachelor's Degree B; 80%; 3 on a 4.5 point scale
Spain Licenciado; Ingeniero; Arquitecto 7 on a 10 point scale
Sri Lanka 4 year Bachelor's Degree; Master's Degree B+; Second Class Upper Division; 3.3 on a 4 point scale
St Kitts and Nevis Bachelor's Degree (from University of West Indies) Second Class Upper Division
St Lucia Bachelor's Degree (from University of West Indies) Second Class Upper Division
Sudan Bachelor's Degree (Honours)
For Entry into PhD: Masters Degree
Second Class Upper Division; 70%
Second Class Upper Division; 70%
Suriname Doctoraal Examen (until 1983); Bachelor's Degree (since 1983) Met Genoegen
Swaziland Bachelor's Degree 70%; Second Class First Division
Sweden Bachelor's Degree ; Filosofie Kandidatexamen 3 on a 4.5 point scale (120 points)
Switzerland Diplome; Licence 5 on a 6 point scale; 8 on a 10 point scale
Syria 4 year Bachelor's Degree 70%
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Taiwan Bachelor's Degree B; 70%
Tajikistan Bakalavr; Specialist Diploma
For Entry into PhD: Magistre (Master's)
4 on a 5 point scale
4.3 on a 5 point scale
Tanzania 4 year Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division
Thailand Bachelor's Degree
For Entry into PhD: Master's Degree 
3 on a 4 point scale
3.5 on 4 point scale
Togo Diplome d'Ingenieur; Maitrise; Doctorat (Medicine) 14 on a 20 point scale
Tonga Bachelor's Degree (from the University of the South Pacific) B; 65%
Trinidad & Tobago Bachelor's Degree (Honours)(from the University of the West Indies) Second Class Upper Division
Tunisia Licence (minimum 4 year); Diplome d'Ingenieur/Architecture; Docteur en Medecine 14 on a 20 point scale
Turkey Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor's Degree); Muhendis Diplomasi 3 on a 4 point scale: BB: B
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor's Degree); Muhendis Diplomasi 3 on a 4 point scale
Turkmenistan Bakalawr (Bachelor's Degree); Secialist Diploma (prior to 2001)
For Entry into PhD: Kandidat Nauk
4 on a 5 point scale
4.3 on 5 point scale
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Uganda Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division
Ukraine Bachelor's Degree; Specialist Diploma (post 1990) 4 on a 5 point scale
United Arab Emirates Bachelor's Degree B; 3 on a 4 point scale; 80%
United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Upper Second Class
United States of America Bachelor's Degree 3 on a 4 point scale; B
Uzbekistan Bakalavr Diplomi (Bachelor's Degree); Specials Diploma Yaxshi; 71%
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Vanuatu Bachelor's Degree (from the University of the South Pacific) B; 65%
Venezuela Titulo de Licenciado; Titulo de (subject area) 3.3 on a 5 point scale; 7 on a 9 point scale; 13 on a 20 point scale (sciences); 14 on a 20 point scale
Vietnam Bachelor's Degree
For Entry into PhD: Master's Degree
7 on a 10 point scale; 3 on a 4 point scale
7.7 on a 10 point scale
West Bank and Gaza Bachelor's Degree B; 3 on a 4 point scale; Very Good
West Indies Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Upper Second Class
Yemen Bachelor's Degree 78%; Very Good
Yugoslavia Visoko Obrazovanja (2nd level degree of 4 years) 4 on a 5 point scale; 8 on a 10 point scale
Zambia Bachelor's Degree B+; Meritorious
Zimbabwe Bachelor's Degree (Honours) Second Class Upper Division
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English Language Requirements

Ple​ase consult the appropriate calendar for further information.

Undergraduate Calendar

Graduate Calendar

Exemption List

Study Permit Information

provides the required information on how to obtain the necessary study permits/visa for study in Canada.